#046: NMAC 1;5 // It's funny how things turn out... now she's [n o t . t h a t . g i r l]

Nov 22, 2006 22:48

OMG. HI MOTIVATION! *huggles iiiiit*

My day was JUST SPIFFY kthx.

My lessons were alright. *forget* Erm. I spazzed out in Economics A LOT. D: Not good. I UNDERSTAND CALCULUS yessss something I'm good at. ♥ My Stats lesson we gave up on after the teacher wouldn't come for 30 minutes. D:

NMAC was alright. We watched... Get Backers aaand *thinks* Final Fantasy Unlimited (harhar CG much?). Rhea, this Year 7 keep hugging and clinging onto me. T__T But... she bugs me. XD She's rather random though. "You're pretty *___* *POUNCEHUG*" and... it's not even a nice hug. XD It's more like a omgDIEbitch kind of hug. D: Such a nice kid but... she causes trouble for the sake of it. =3 Anywho, burning off a VCD of Yakitate!! Japan this week didn't work. D: My last attempt to make Yakitate!! Japan work will be next week...

Gaming Day = Sunday 8D? PROJECT DOUJIN. One daaay.

Post Office keeps closing on me. D: I'll definitely get moneyage into the Post Office tomorrow...

Anyway - LJ drama. ... Congrats to junp3i and solo_angel! I have nothing else to say on the matter because I can't be arsed with the "I told you"'s about someone. Daa~. Never let me friends with another Lauren again. Seriously, I have never ever ever gotten on with a single Lauren in my life.

red_pill is my new best friend. XD

Dareka no negai ga kanau koro ano ko ga naiteru yo
When someone’s wish comes true that girl will be crying
Minna no negai wa douji ni wa kanawanai
Everyone’s wishes will not come true all at the same time
~Utada Hikaru - Dareka no Negai ga Kanau Koro

friendships, happiness, motivation, nmac, sixth form

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