Title: The Pillars of Light
Fandom: Princess Tutu and Mother 3
Pairing(s): Eventual Fakir/Ahiru
Summary: The truth isn't always what we expect or what we can easily accept, but a story's birth is a new beginning. Accept your role? Defy it? A choice must be made, for the phoenix has risen, but darkness looms on the horizon. - Princess Tutu/Mother3 Crossover<
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Word Count: 6,256 (Prologue + Chapter One)
Rating: PG-13 for eventual violence, etc.
Warnings: Just a typical warning for cross-over elements. Also, I'm going to be taking a lot of unexpected twists with this, in terms of Kinkan Town post-series, the role of the story-spinners, the Oak Tree, etc.
Notes: This is pretty much my first real attempt at a cross-over fic, but I couldn't resist trying it out after I saw all the interesting similarities between the two and started brain-storming about how they could connect and a way I could weave a new story out of it. I also think that the character interactions between PT and Mother 3 will be really fun. I'm putting a lot of plot elements into this, too, so I hope people will be able to follow the progression and how everything ties together.
If you'd like to read the fic, you can find it right here:
Prologue: Changes and Visions |
Chapter One: Endless Blue Hope you enjoy~!