bad guys and butterflies

Sep 13, 2002 13:41

"Saddam Hussein's regime is a grave and gathering danger. To
suggest otherwise is to hope against the evidence. To
assume this regime's good faith is to bet the lives of
millions and the peace of the world in a reckless gamble."

ya know, i support our country and our president (hell, i would even take a bullet for him), but it does seem as tho he's been a bit trigger-happy lately. then again, i'm sure he knows a lot more than i do about what's going on over there ("to hope against the evidence" what evidence? we don't have access to any evidence). maybe saddam is planning to bomb us tomorrow. who knows? i guess none of us "normal" people can ever really know b/c we only hear about the stuff on the very top surface, we'll never have access to the files and information that bring these people to make such decisions about global justice. all we can do is stay as informed as possible and formulate our own opinions based on what we do know. i'm not saying that dubya knows best (in fact, i'm suspicious of why his cabinet is so divided), i'm just saying that the only thing that we can do is educate ourselves and act accordingly.

by the's friday the 13th...

Greetings tracy --

Here is your horoscope for Friday, September 13:

Outcasts are welcomed back into the fold. Family members are willing
to travel far to see each other. The week may be ending, but the
good times have only just begun.

Until tomorrow,

Kelli Fox, Your Astrologer

oh yeah, and i'm not a retard any more. last night i figured out how to make posts 'memorable' RIGHT after i posted about not being able to do it for a year or whatever. ya know what tho, i think that they either made it easier or that i just wasn't looking in the right places, b/c last night it was not that hard to figure out and i had previously been struggling with this off and on (as my interest in it was sparked by boredom on occasion) for approx. a year. stupid lj. stupid me? either way, does it really matter? i know how to do it now. shit. (said with 'gangsta' undertones)

i gotta go. christian's here ;-)
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