Jun 28, 2009 09:31
well, it looks like i am now updating this thing monthly instead of weekly. oh well. when i found out i was pregnant, i meant to keep a journal and write down every single thing i was feeling and thinking and experiencing but honestly it was hard enough just to bring myself to get out of bed and shower most days. and on the weekends, i didn't even do the shower part, i mostly just layed on the couch and watched tv. for months. luckily things are looking up and i've been having lots of fun, as evidenced in my last post, and since then i have also flown to chicago to see patty and her big baby belly. we did a bunch of maternity shopping and baby shopping and even took a great baby-wearing class at this hippie baby store "be by baby" where we learned about all the different wraps and slings and carriers and why the baby bjorn gives your baby hip dysplasia. i bought a moby wrap. then we drove up to wisconsin for two phish shows at alpine valley. they were excellent. we met dan and mark, our perpetual phish comrades, and had an amazing time. and of course, i managed to sneak in a trip to the chicago diner, where i had amazing vegan potato skins and my "usual," the sweet potato, spinach and black bean quesadilla. mmmmmm...
it was great hanging out with patty, of course, because i love her, but also because she is going through (or recently went through) exactly what i am going through. it's kind of like seeing a preview of the next few months. i'm glad we're doing this together, and just realized yesterday that like the two of us, only two months will seperate our children in age. we are already planning on marrying them together some day. ;p
i am now feeling the little guy kick, and occasionally even feeling it from the outside of my belly, especially when i was taking off in the plane to fly back to san francisco, and also when i sit here with the laptop on my lap, i think because it is pretty warm. poor mike hasn't felt him yet but i'm sure he'll have plenty of opportunities as time goes on. today babycenter told me that since i am 20 weeks, my baby is the size of a cantelope. how is that possible? i definitely can't fit into any of my old clothes and only wear maternity clothes now, though most of them make me look even less pregnant because they are so tent-like. my parents come in thursday and want to see my belly so i might have to wear some of my tight old t-shirts to appease them.
thankfully i am not feeling sick anymore and even have a lot more energy, though i haven't been working out like i had planned. maybe i'll start this week. i have noticed that i have severe "pregnancy brain," which is totally freaking me out. it actually has gotten a tiny bit better too, but i still do crazy things that i've never done before in my 32 years. yesterday i was making a list of spices i need to restock, and i thought for a second that i needed "sinamon." i was writing an e-mail to a coworker and kept talking about "backs of food," (as opposed to "bags of food"). and when i speak, i am constantly inverting the position of words in a sentance. my poor fried little brain. i keep wondering how this is evolutionarily sound? because every mother i've talked to has mentioned they've had it. luckily, it seems to go away. i pray.
we are planning on trying to move in the next two months. i am already starting to get rid of stuff and start packing other stuff, because i know it will just get more difficult the bigger i get. we originally wanted to move at the end of july but mike still hasn't found a full-time job, which is very stressful! i can't even concentrate on planning a home for our son when i have to concentrate on how the hell we're going to pay the rent. he feels really badly and has been working with PJ as much as possible, and has put out at least 20 resumes on craigslist but it's really a horrible time to be looking for a job.
we also made our two registires--one at babies r us (with help from susan and ryan) and one at myregistry.com, which is basically all the stuff that babies r us doesn't carry. plus my dream items that nobody will actually buy me, like a vitamix, which i already wanted for my own personal use but i think will be even more useful to make baby food. that sounds like a good excuse, right?
since the baby-wearing class was so fun and helpful, today mike and i are signed up to take a cloth diapering class. originally i thought cloth diapers were the greenest option and what we were going to try to do, but apparently in san francisco there is another option. it's called earth baby and it's a diaper service that drops off and picks up compostable diapers from your home weekly and hot composts them! i think in terms of ease of use and energy use (cloth diapers sure use a lot of water for all that washing) that might be our best bet, but we're still going to the class today to get more information. it seems really difficult to raise a baby in an eco-conscious way, and it is made even harder by the fact that nobody else i know who is a mom is all that concerned about it, so i don't have many personal resources in that arena.
okay. i guess that's the first half of my pregnancy journal. today i am officially 20 weeks (although the last two ultrasound technicians i saw have me at least a week ahead, which would be great--the sooner this baby can safely get out of me, the better), which marks exactly halfway through a normal pregnancy! mike said he can't believe it's gone so fast. i say i can't believe it's only half through!