Just got an email from my uncle, updating us about Granddad. It seems he's not doing well at all again. When Moma came home last week, he was doing much better, but now he's going back down again. According to my uncle, today Granddad
at times and gotten agitated when he could not explain what he was trying to do or thought he needed to do. He was not doing anything harmful to himself, but he also was not making progress with things that needed to be done like getting dressed for a doctor's appointment at 1 PM. There were moments of perfect clarity - he gave precise directions on how to get to the doctor's office - but they were the exception rather than the rule today .
He has been placed in Health Care for observations at the retirement center he lives in currently. Hopefully they will get him what he needs. Granddad has always been a little bit stubborn, so I guess he's not going to go down easily.
If you are the praying type, please keep him in your prayers. If not, please keep him, and us, in your thoughts.
On a somewhat brighter note, the day went pretty well today for me. :) I have my first 11 CP schedules done, confirmed, and all they need is to be typed up. WOOHOO!!