This is a sad day for me...

Oct 18, 2009 12:52

I've had this blog for 8 years and never really felt the need to make it Friends Only, and I'm kind of sad to do it now. There are a few friends I have (namely Darius and Sondra) who aren't on LJ and who I'd like to be able to view my journal when they stop by. I've also had people stop by my blog from communities and those people have become friends. Alas, a coworker found my Twitter account, and if they can find my Twitter they can find my journal, so I guess it's better to keep work things at work and personal things under a Friends-lock.

Comment to be considered. I like making new friends, really! :)


EDIT: Oh, if you're already on the Friends list, you don't have to comment (unless you just want to-I'm always glad to see your happy, shiny "faces"!). I'm not doing a Friends-cut, I'm just locking up what's already here. :)
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