Mar 02, 2009 23:57
I fucking HATE being the Mom!
I hate everything about my fucking typecast as the mom.
I hate that I'm the mom because of the way that I look, and the way that I carry myself and the way that I speak
I hate that I don't get to stretch myself as an actor because I'm a mom.
Moms are boring. Moms are wise and powerful and steady. And mom is someone that everyone can go to with their problems, but she's not someone that gets to share her problems.
Maybe it's just because I don't like my moms. I love them, but I don't like them. Moms are manipulative (something I fear that I am), and moms make you do stupid things in front of crowds of people because they think it's cute. And moms watch their children succeed while they sit by in meaningless jobs with mediocre romance and wish they had done something with their life.
Moms are fat because they've had so many kids
Maybe it's because everyone i High School called me mom, including the boys I had crushes on.
No one wants to date a mom. Moms are not sexy moms are not even really beautiful.
Moms are a foil for their children. They are there as an anchor, but nothing is really about them. Maybe their character comes through, but they don't get to be the center of attention.
AND I HATE IT!! FUCK MOMS! Or at least fuck being a mom. I don't want to be marriage material, not dating material. I don't want to be wise, not spontaneous. I don't want to be that person.
I don't want to be able to not succeed as an actress because all I can play is the FUCKING MOM!