Jun 18, 2006 01:35
ok so just got in a fight with justin...by using big words does eh think he's better then me? hell we can all look words up in the damn dictionary but can we all use them? no
i'm sittin at sarah's.....bein a bitch....justins all upset, so's tulip.
don't they know that i don't care if i'm a bitch? if i hurt their feelings or lose their respect? what do I need their respect for? justins so i can ask him some big dumbass word? and trenner so well i don't have one for trenner.
i have like 3 or 4 friends and honeslty thats how i like it...that's all that i have time for. i'm a busy bitch.makin ppl cry is hard stuff....
so my life lately revolves round, jeremy, burger king, and julie.....and i hung out with all my friends today...sad huh?
this old lady looked up my skort today....amber caught her.....creepy huh????
so right now its like 2:23.....AM.....
i'm tired but havein some great convo's so i don't want to go.....and i'm workin on pissin our third person off for the night....YES
i love cake, and cake, and sarah, and jeremy, and cake