I haven't been in a post-y mood over the last few days or weeks... But I think, a proper entry is due since I had an epiphany (!), a new addiction/obsession and a few new opportunities on my job hunting...
As for the epiphany, this was a very intriguing one. Up until now I always had the impression that I still had the time for everything I wanted to do or what interested me in this world - travel, job or whatsoever. I'm a very indecisive person, I can't really make up my mind on anything... So, I always wanted to hold as many doors open as possible.
And suddenly I got stuck with this thought that my path was set and that it was really the path I intended to go. Never felt doors closing so fast. Can't say how much this actually freaked me out - I'm 23 and already thinking how little time I actually have in this world. However, this idea just made me more confident in pursuing my goal of finally attending University and later pursue something like a career in Human rights. (Women right, Child right, etc).
But I also can't stop thinking about the "what if's"... I won't go there now, otherwise this entry will be a mile long. ;)
As for the job hunting, I love my boss! It seems that I made it more than clear that I'd love to change back to Bern and that I'm a bit fed up with how the things are run at my current work place. Now, my boss asked me if I still wanted to change to Bern and if so, he would ask the moving companies he knows in that area if they maybe need an assistant. =) =)
I also took a day off yesterday, because I don't have a lot to do right now and my appartment needed a cleaning. And while watching my newest dvd purchase, which leads me to my newest addiction *g*, I decluttered my living room and my kitchen, mopped the kitchen and removed the waste paper and the garbage. It now looks like I could invite guests - or close to that. =)
God, I feel a bit - let's say - stupid in admitting to my newest tv show addiction. *gg*
I recently discovered Stargate:Atlantis as my Wednesday tv programme - and since I REALLY HATE dubbing, I got myself the dvds of both season 1 + 2. I went through Season 1 in only 4 nights of excessive watching and almost forgot House and Bones due to that (I taped the latter) *g*.
I think that this new addiction/obsession is part of the reason why feel like I'm high or having a manic phase (as opposite to the rather grumpy and "get out of my way"-depressed phase). The other reason, I believe, is the epiphany, which sounds weird in my ears. But alas... at least I feel my creativity flowing. =)