
Oct 13, 2005 20:38

Wow! Time to update...here we go..

Spirit Week: the rest of spirit week was pretty cool..a lot of people participated and it was cool. It was fun but I'm super relieved that it's over. It's such a stressful week. I wish people could understand. But it's over so I'm more relaxed...haha

Friday: We won the game! YAY! 49-0. How awesome is that!? It rained the whole time tho, that sucked. But we won! Betsy Layne were all so tiny. It was weird how little they were. The homecoming court didn't ride in the cars, they had to walk out. Amber Lane looked fabulous! She was sooo pretty! Shelley won homecomig queen! I was hoping she would.

Saturday: Saturday I had to work. It was pretty busy so I made some good tips. I left at like 3:30 and came home to get ready for the dance. I got ready then Beverly came up and we left. We got there and Mr. Compton decided to have the dance in the cafeteria instead of the gym. It was still fun tho. I had a blast! I was just dancin away all night..haha...me and Beth had a lot of fun... *wink, wink*... (didn't we Beth?)lol... I stayed a while after the dance and hung out with some pretty cool people...haha...

Sunday: Sunday morning I woke up at 5 and I had chest pains. I was really scared! So Mom took me to the hospital and they ran like 7 tests..it was bad. They ended up not knowing what in the world was wrong with me except I have an infection somewhere but they don't know where. They also said that the normal high white bloodcell count was 10 and that mine was 17! It weirds me out...

This week: This week has gone by so quickly. It's all a big blurr. I took my PSAT. That was so stupid...it was the hardest test I've ever taken. I hope I pass it. Not too much else has happened. Tomaro, Haysi plays Lee High. I hope we win so someone will be in a good mood...lol... I also have a lot of family coming in tomaro. I'm sooo excited, I haven't seen them since Christmas! I can't wait..

Well that's about it....
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