Apr 13, 2010 07:11
I just logged into Facebook to post for the first time in a long time. I had a saved draft from December 1st.
::draft below::
I'm not nearly as cranky as I was, but yes, I'm still pregnant.
I have another MD appointment tomorrow morning (though it's with the nurse practitioner, who I'm not a huge fan of, and NOT any of the three MDs on staff, and I find that to be kinda irritating b/c I don't think she can "reccomend" that we induce, or even schedule an induction, so wtf?) and I hope they say I've progressed, even a little. I feel like an overripe piece of fruit. There is no more room,
One of the other Lamaze mommies had a son last night.
Mine will be here, I know this.