Jan 13, 2005 22:44
I'm not sure why I'm updating, but I feel really sick. My stomah hasn't stopped hurting for like 3 days. I think I've gotten it used to not having so much food in there at one time and now when I actually eat a full meal it starts hurting really bad. It's like the feeling you get when you get super full and you think you can fit that last piece of cake in there, but it turns out your wrong. Ouch, this really sucks.
It wsn't like I ate a lot for dinner either. I had some chicken nuggets, a salad,milk, and some water. Okay so thats not exactly dinner, but whatever it's kinda hard to eat a full meal when you get home from school at 8. It's probably the pickles I'm eating. Since pickles have no calories I try and fit them in every mean just to give me that extra bit of food in my stomach, but maybe the acidity of the vinegar isn't mixing so well with the other food.
Anyway this sucks. My stomach hurts and I got my period today. Go me. UGH!
I'll make my journal Friends only later, I'm being lazy. Probably this weekend. I might make a friends cut too so if you wanna stay and you think you might get cut then comment here bitches. Though this post might be too late. Anywho I'll remind you all later. J/k sorry guys for calling you bitches, but I have a bad influence thats making me cuss more. Thank you Carmine.
P.S. Isn't my icon hot. I LOVE Daddy Yankee and his music of course.