A lot of news have happened in the course of the past 2 weeks. First off I started school yesterday. In fact I'm still at school. It's late and everything, but yeah I need to go change this class or it's going to kill me. My lab ends at 9:40 and to me that is way too late. Hopefully I can find one sooner than that. My microbiology teacher has me so paranoid now and I've only been to his class today. Eww, I won't even tell you guys the stuff he was telling us about microbes. Anywho so damn it, I wanna go home. Class starts in about half an hour more. It looks like it's going to be a tough semester, but I can do it. Motivate me you guys lol. :P
I changed my layout too. I still need to change some stuff around and finish uploading the little pix in the "hearing/watching" section, but thats pretty much what its going to look like. Still couldn't figure out how to center the header so I lefted the entire journal. Is that a word "lefted" whatever I just made it up and it works. It's very black & white, with some gray, but I like it. It matched mah tres sexy header. Gotta love those Gotti Hottis eh? Shut up you guys know they're hot. Don't deny it. Anywho let me know what you guys think. Component was such a bitch to work with. Ugh! So yeah there it is and it's done ready for the new season.
Speaking of new season, the second season of Growing Up Gotti premiered yesterday with a trip for the boys to the Hamptons. If it's at all possible they're all getting hotter by the second, especially little Frankie. I still like John though and his bad temper. Somehow I managed to get
saadia hooked on them and she likes Carmine lol. Woo hoo! I think maybe today my cousin is coming over to see the episodes. She missed it yesterday because she had to go practice driving for her test. I hope she gets her license so I don't need to drive everywhere anymore lol. Good luck Jess! Anyway so yeah it's been a great start for everything so far and a great start to the new year. Come on guys I need to get more of you obsessed with the Gottis. I love them!
Oh yeah one more thing I think tonight when I get home I'm making my journal Friends Only. This might be the last public entry I make. Why am I closing it? I don't know I wanna be cool lol. Talk to ya'll later. I'll comment when I get home.