Back to School

Jan 17, 2005 17:35

Figured I needed a good update, but my life is pretty boring so here goes.

Classes start tomorrow..... so far I have not bought any books, and hopefully once I scope out my classes I won't have to buy any. My theory is that I sacrifice buying books and just go to every class and learn just as much. Anyways... life around here has been boring the last two weeks of break. Just slept a lot and worked. I was feeling really under the weather, but i'm starting to feel better, it didnt help anything that I worked a 22 hr. shift on Saturday night. yuck.

Went to get school supplies from the dollar store today, generic notebooks will be fine, I dont have any money. Ha ha ha My new cellphones came today! Two LGVX7000's. One for me, and one for my daddy who I added to my plan. The phones retail value are $269 a piece. They are a camera phone and a video camera.... its awesome, and I got both of them for free. The verizon guy had a crush on me. he he he, nothing wrong with flirting just a bit to get what you want.

I guess I'll end this thing..... Ryan is coming to pick me up soon, we're going to one of those movie theatres that serves you dinner while you watch the movie. I am excited. I love my Ry.

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