more to my short story

Feb 03, 2006 20:18

Honestly the scariest thing in the world is when they roll you out of the ambulance, because the only thing keeping me from falling off the stretcher was this tiny string, and a few petite women. Everything was hazy outside, seeing the sky and trees felt weird. We are finally at the airplane, I meet the pilot who tells me a few stories one being that he just had his daughter in an airplane. I remember tearing up a little, because I look down all I can see is wires. I then realized how bad things really are. I just close my eyes, and pretend im somewhere else.
I must say it felt weird flying in an airplane lying down. The young lady who was listening to Abigales heart beat was very nice to me, asking me if I feel ok so on and so on. I am so glad there are so many caring people in the medical field. I was already uncomfortable, but without those miracle workers I would have been miserable. I remember still feeling warm from the Magnesium Sulfate, they were still keeping me on a heavy dose.
I don’t remember landing as much as I remember the adorable man in the ambulance(highlight of the hour). They wheel me inside the hospital into my HUGE room. I was there all alone, while nurses came in and out. Checking my blood pressure every 15 minutes, taking my blood every 2 hours. One nurse comes in to inform me I have to get a “check up” you know where......I just start crying. She doesn’t care, she does it any way. She was an evil bitch in my eyes, Dr. Burket was way more gentle. Now I’ve been poked, and pushed and pulled around. My emotions are wreck, and all I wanted was my mom.
All I heard from the nurses was get some rest, exactly how do you do that when someone is squeezing or jabbing a needle into your arm? I just stared at the clock hoping my mom walks in the door. A couple hours, my Mom and Sarah(friend of mine) walk through the door. Apparently they got lost, and almost ended up in Washington (not even close to me). My mom informs me, that Cameron(the sperm donor) and shelly(my best friends mother) Shane, and gaelyn are coming as soon as they can get here. I find it a little shocking, but comforting that Cameron was coming.
Not much was going on, my Mom, and Sarah just kept laughing at me because every time I laughed it was amplified times 10. They had this thing hooked up to me, so they could listen to the heart beat. A lady came in to look at Abigale. It took a while to find her because she was really small. At the time we didn’t even know if she was a she. I love that gel though put on my tummy, it made my tummy all soft! Things so far are going smoothly, they were watching me very closely. Its always good to know, that I could die, have a seizer any second. But the moment my sense of humor was still all right.
That night was a long night, Abigales heart beat dropped a couple times. The doctors and nurses were worried. The last time Abigales heartbeat, which was around 4 in the morning. All the doctors and nurses rushed into my room. I thought my own heart stopped. They all looked at me, making sure I was ok...and just left. One of the Doctors came in she takes a breathe. The doctors have decided that abigale has to come out now, that they were going to perform a cesarian at 5 o’clock.
I instantly became a nervous wreck, my first question was “will I be awake?” of course they said yes. Not only was I a nervous wreck, everything was happening in fast speed. All of a sudden people were talking like Alvin off the chipmunks! I remember my mom calling everyone letting them know what is going on. They hand me this cup with a liquid in it, and whatever it was is the nastiest stuff on the planet. (It was to help me not feel sick..and to be alone made me sick)
One person is aloud in the room with me. Of course my mother is the chosen one. I get transferred onto a much smaller more uncomfortable bed. Where I wait for the person to give me my epadural. I heard many different scary stories about them. Well she shows up, and asks me to hang my feet off the bed. And to look down and arch my back up. I could feel the needle a little, but to be honest it was just a bee sting feeling. I could feel the liquid running down my spine. The surgeon came in, and helped the lady do the epadural. They laid me back down, and strapped my arms down. The machine was still taking my blood pressure.
Soon enough I could not feel my legs anymore, then my stomach , then my chest.
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