just the start of my story

Jan 30, 2006 16:21

The clouds are grey to me, knowing everyone else sees sunshine. In my eye’s the world is just stormy weather, but to the world the weather is perfectly clear. Throbbing pain taking over my body, wanting to let go. I couldn’t let go for the both of us. As much as I fighter I am, she is twice as strong as me.
That day my mom had driven me to my OB/GYN to get a check up. I had this horrible pinching feeling in my neck. Burning all over my body. I was begging anyone, and everyone to give me a back rub. I felt like I lived in the bath tub. The pain had been there for two weeks since that day, and it just kept getting worse
We get into the doctors office, and everything seems as normal as usual. I go to the bathroom, pee in the cup. Go into the “room” sit on the bench. I was intending on asking for a note, stating I could go the chiropractic office. The nurse takes my blood pressure, she looks a little confused. She then gets a bigger blood pressure machine, takes my blood pressure. She looks at the machine like it was broken. She left the room without a word said.
Dr. Burket entered the room, just to take my blood pressure again. He said it was 200 over 100. Of course I didn’t know a thing about blood pressure, but I had a hunch that it wasn’t a good thing. He then begins telling me about my urine sample. That there were toxins inside my body. After that things began to blur. I didn’t take anything he said as being serious. He explained more, but I was just looking past it. First thought of course is, am I going to loose my baby?
My mom and I drive over to the hospital, where nurses where waiting for me. Everything I was happening in slow motion, it seems like I was getting no where. I wasn’t aware of anything. One of the nurses took me to a little room, she handed me a hospital gown. I then knew things were serious when I was hooked up to a couple of I.Vs. I made a few phone calls, first I called shelly, and Cameron. I guess I still didn’t really know how serious it was because I was telling them things would be just fine.
They hooked me up with Magnesium Sulfate, which helps reduce seizures. I was informed with the amount of toxins, and my high blood pressure I should have had a seizure at any moment. They covered me in wet towels, because the Magnesium Sulfate would feel very hot. They also gave me a steroid shot in my right ass cheek!
Things really got serious when Dr. Weeks came into the room. He tells me I will be sent to Portland, Emanual Childrens Hospital. My heart was slowly dropping to my stomach. He also tells me, I should be having baby Abigale within 24 hours. Im in shock now, I didn’t know what to think or say. My mom at the time, was sent back to Prineville, where we live. She was sent there to gather my stuff, inform everyone I was sent to Portland.
I was a little more nervous now with all the information loaded into my head, and my mother leaving. Within an hour or so the air life plane was ready for me. I’ve never been on air life before, so that distracted me a little from reality. Until the ambulance ride. I must admit the EMC people, are very courteous. They kept me calm by asking me questions about where im from, and all kinda of other subjects. Things went sour when she informed me that I had to be put on a catheter. Of course I do and say anything to convince her I didn’t need one. I failed. She had all the male drivers leave, and she shut all the curtains so I would feel “more comfortable”. It took one lady to pry my legs apart, and the other to put it in. I must say that it was the must unpleasant feeling I had all day.
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