Thank you! You're so helpful! Once you start schooling, be sure to assist as much as possible (if you feel like it)! :3
When I asked about the luggage costs, it's because the JUMP scholarship I plan to use of YFU's requires that I pay for my own luggage to be moved, etc, once I get to Japan.
Also, the host family you and your friend are with--do they speak English well? Is it common that they'll at least be able to communicate with me? And how much money would a host family regularly have? Will I have my own room? :) Knowing all of this will help me plan for how much stuff and money to bring.
I don't know if my birthdate will fit into next year's birthday year requirements set for the James Bradley scholarship... That's the only problem. Do you suppose that if I turned in my application sooner, I would have a likelier chance of being awarded the JUMP scholarship?
How much did it cost you to send the luggage? I need to save up... :3
I won't worry about the language, then. :D It's part of the culture, afterall.
=3 Hmm... With this one, I'd have to say that I'd be glad to get any family at all and enjoy the stay. xD
When I asked about the luggage costs, it's because the JUMP scholarship I plan to use of YFU's requires that I pay for my own luggage to be moved, etc, once I get to Japan.
Also, the host family you and your friend are with--do they speak English well? Is it common that they'll at least be able to communicate with me? And how much money would a host family regularly have? Will I have my own room? :) Knowing all of this will help me plan for how much stuff and money to bring.
Thank you! :3
I don't know if my birthdate will fit into next year's birthday year requirements set for the James Bradley scholarship... That's the only problem. Do you suppose that if I turned in my application sooner, I would have a likelier chance of being awarded the JUMP scholarship?
How much did it cost you to send the luggage? I need to save up... :3
I won't worry about the language, then. :D It's part of the culture, afterall.
=3 Hmm... With this one, I'd have to say that I'd be glad to get any family at all and enjoy the stay. xD
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