Apr 06, 2010 13:20
What a difference a month makes. Travis ignored me AGAIN and this time it was for a week. I was at the desert when he finally called. He said that he was tired of having the same fight over and over and that he just wanted our life to be us and no one else. It was awkward for a few days, especially when he was at the river with his parents. Sunday there was the big earthquake and I called him in fright and he blew me off. I was really angry and wanted to call him and tell him that he can't talk to me like that. Mom stopped me and said to forget it, so when he came over later that night I was super nice to him and kissed him and he was very surprised that I wasn't angry. He hadn't planned on staying a long time because he figured I would be mad about something. I apologized and after 2 hours when he went to his car he grabbed my hand and asked if I wanted to go on an adventure with him. I said ok, and he said that he was going to join the coast guard to pay back his debt, which I said was a big reason I didn't want to marry him right away, and to get away from his parents, save money, and get a jump start on life. We talked about it for another hour and since then he has been attentive, calling a lot, asking me how I am, if I am exited, etc.
What a difference, huh?