At least there's no fog!

May 13, 2011 16:37

ACTION: 771 Bunker St. - Morning

[Okay, calm down. This isn't the first time he's found himself in a strange place. Sure, it's only the second time total and it's the first time that he's been in a new house with new clothes and photographs of a new life around him, but there are positives! Right?

... well, at least this time he doesn't have to pee.

Glasses? Gone. Headphones? Gone. Music player? Gone. Knives? Gone. So much for the comforts of home.

Still, Yosuke isn't one to give up quite that easily - especially after everything he's gone through - and after gathering his courage, he manages to find his way into the living room.]

Hey! Is anyone there? Where the hell am I?

PHONE: 771 Bunker St. - Afternoonish?

[He's used to telephones, but this old fashioned thing isn't a cell phone and doesn't feel quite right. Still, he might as well give it a shot.]

Um... hello? Is this thing on? Crap, how do I tell if I'm using it right? Stupid antiques...


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