Mayfield App!

May 12, 2011 18:35

Name: Drunk, Mark, Captain Awesome McSexypants
Personal LJ: drunkkitsune
Contact Info: AIM: drunkkitsune E-Mail:
Other Characters Played: None!
Preferred Housing: N/A

Character Name: Yosuke Hanamura
Character Series: Persona 4
Character Age: 17
Background: Two links!

Yosuke specifically:

Persona 4 in general:

Yosuke is being taken from post-game after the events of the true ending, in a scenario in which he has reached maximum social link rank with the Main Character. What does this mean for Yosuke? Two things! One, if Souji doesn’t have the same memories of their social link he does, things are about to get awkward. Two, he’s reached a point where he can completely trust Souji. He’s working through his other issues by this point as well (such as the death of Saki), and while he may not be completely over these issues, he’s got a somewhat better grasp on them, making room for whole new issues to arise during his time at Mayfield!

Personality: In short, Yosuke is more or less your typical trouble-making high schooler. The long version is a bit more interesting.

Physically, Yosuke looks like a scrawny little punk, but he takes care of himself. Sure, killing otherworldly monsters may seem to be an odd workout, but he's reached a level where he has decent physical combat skills. His weapons of choice are two small weapons - daggers are preferable, but he can improvise as well with anything fairly light, effective, and easy to conceal beneath a school uniform (such as wrenches). He’s not a total weakling - he’s fairly strong for a guy his age and size - but his best attribute is his speed. Aside from anyone else (except maybe the Main Character), Yosuke has the best speed on the team. He’s a quick little bugger.

In terms of academics, Yosuke is a slacker. He’s not dumb, but he only seems to care about his schooling when exams roll around. However, he’s a bit more motivated in his personal life, especially about things that interest him or he deems important. He’s taken a (somewhat passive) interest in learning the guitar, he approaches his job seriously (for a high school student working a part time job), and the murder investigation he gave the utmost attention to. It’s not that he can’t be serious, it’s just selective.

Also selective are his use of logic and common sense. Case in point - the murder case vs. everyday life. For the murder case, he constantly considered new theories, pondered clues and tried to put together the pieces. I’ll go ahead and quote Wikipedia here - “Although it often falls on the player to decipher the clues Yosuke ponders, his deductive skills allow him to create solid theories.” However, these deductive skills and logic powers vanish when it comes to almost anything else. To be succinct, if Yosuke has a terrible impulse, he’ll probably act on it. Enter his friends in a beauty pageant? Awesome! Make a stupid suggestion for a school activity (seriously, what the hell is a 'group date care')? Go for it! Tease the girl with a short temper and violent tendencies? Might as well! That said, this impulsiveness is limited to his close friends and situations where the consequences aren’t huge - he’d never dream of acting that way on the job or in a life-or-death situation.

Yosuke usually puts on a happy and carefree face. Sometimes it’s to hide his boredom (and occasional loneliness), but in general he really is at least happy. The image only breaks in a handful of situations: the most serious of situations (such as a friend/close person/loved one being in peril), and while he's one-on-one with a trusted friend. In a serious situation, his demeanor can be anything from somber (like when visiting the main character's hospitalized little sister) to seething rage (such as when it appeared they had the opportunity to kill who they thought was the 'true' murderer at the time). In a one on one situation he's still himself, but a bit more reserved - after all, there's no reason to try and be the center of attention when it's just him and a pal.

He has three other traits worth noting. First, Yosuke can be clumsy as hell. Crashing his bike and accidentally dropping his weapons at (thankfully) non-critical times are common for him. Secondly, he loves him some music. Going through a strange new monster infested dungeon? Headphones on, tunes blaring. In combat with monsters? Headphones on, tunes blaring. He’s never without his headphones and music player if he doesn’t have to be. Third, though he admitted it only to his shadow and the Main Character, Yosuke does have something of a hero complex. Though it was born less of a desire to be a hero and more out of boredom and ways to alleviate it, Yosuke wants to be the hero. He wants to save people, wants to feel he’s made a difference, wants to feel important - the feeling that he’s doing something important with his life that others literally cannot do gives him a nice satisfaction fueled high.

Like I said. Typical goofy inappropriate high school student.

Abilities: Yosuke is able to manifest a power known as Persona. It’s essentially a part of his subconscious that he can call on for power and takes on the form of a ninja disco frog to cast spells and use physical abilities. Weird? Absolutely, but that’s how these things work in Persona 4. Yosuke’s persona Susano-o uses a variety of support, physical and wind abilities. Somehow, having this persona makes Yosuke quicker and more agile than he normally is - or at least it would if Mayfield didn't hide his persona in a drawer somewhere.

His persona is limited to eight skills, the use of which either drains his physical health or his spiritual energy. Physical skills drain health, magic and support skills drain spiritual energy. If/When he ever regains his persona, I can keep track of these actual stats if you’d prefer, or I can just attempt to be reasonable in limiting their usage - but again, this is if it even comes up. Until then, I'll spare you SP numbers and abilities and usage and what not.

Sample Entry:

[ Yosuke is sitting at the kitchen table, feet propped up as he casually talks into the phone by his ear. It's still weird - talking on the phone while staying in one place - but he's managing to adjust. ]

Dude, writing in a journal feels weird.


Yeah, I guess that did come out of nowhere. But I just thought about it, and it's so weird! I mean, we go our whole lives with computers, and now I'm back to a journal? It's all backwards.

... [ The smile vanishes from Yosuke's face, replaced with a somber expression. ]

Honestly? It's so I can remember. All we have are our memories, right? I don't want to risk losing those. You know, like those people who get kidnapped and after a long time they forget their old lives and are the kidnapper's puppets? I forget the name - hell, without the internet I can't even look it up - but I don't want that to be me. I won't forget. Not Inaba, or Junes, or the internet... not Saki-senpai... not any of it.

... [ A soft smile returns to his face, and he lets out a little laugh. ]

Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Partner. You always know just what to say.

Anyway, I better get going. Have to make it look like I at least tried to care about the homework. Later!

[ With a sigh, Yosuke stands and hangs the phone on the receiver - an action that's becoming uncomfortably familiar. Now, to figure out where he put that assignment. ]
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