Aug 06, 2012 05:19
I am, actually, agonizingly sensible of the fact that I've done very little but shill for votes (thanks very much for those) and plug conventions in this once-hallowed Principality, but the weeks before GenCon are not when you should expect a lot of extraneous writing from me even at my best. And worse yet, I still have to post my WorldCon schedule.
With that abject apologia out of the way, my GenCon schedule as I know it:
9pm- ?
Diana Jones Award Party
Homebrewer's Guide to RPG Worldbuilding: Wolfgang Baur, Kenneth Hite, T.S. Luikart, Richard Thomas, Rodney Thompson (Industry Insider Guests of Honor). Admit it: Sometimes the fun of a game is not playing the game--it's building the world! RPG designers sit down and talk about how to make your world sharper, more exciting, and 10 pounds lighter. Indiana Convention Center, Room 210 [SEM1238029]
Superheroes in Alternate History: Kenneth Hite, Greg Stolze, Dennis Detwiller and Shane Ivey. Explore the different ways superheroes can change history with game designers who know all about both. Indiana Convention Center, Room 201 [SEM1233924]
GURPS Horror (and anything else) Autographing Session; Steve Jackson Games booth.
ENnie Awards, until I have to run out for ...
I'm running a Deadlands Noir game for some of the alpha backers of the Deadlands Noir Kickstarter. Gaming at GenCon? Shyeah, right.
10:00-11:00 a.m.
Alternative History: Dennis Detwiller, Kenneth Hite (Industry Insider Guests of Honor) The where, what, who and why of making compelling alt-history game backgrounds. Indiana Convention Center, Room 210 [SEM1238041]
History, Panic, and History Panic: Kenneth Hite, Jason Morningstar (Industry Insider Guests of Honor). Stress-Free Historical Roleplaying: How to enjoy roleplaying in historical settings - common pitfalls and how to avoid (or ignore) them. Indiana Convention Center, Room 210 [SEM1238061]
Investigative RPGs and the GUMSHOE System: Kenneth Hite, Robin Laws, Beth Lewis, and Simon Rogers. A panel on the GUMSHOE system, unravelling the mysteries of investigative gaming, tackling issues of railroading and demystifying the clue-driven RPG. Crowne Plaza, Pennsylvania Station A [SEM1234371]
GURPS Horror (and anything else) Autographing Session; Steve Jackson Games booth.
Delta Green: The Roleplaying Game: Dennis Detwiller, Adam Scott Glancy, Shane Ivey, Greg Stolze, and Kenneth Hite. Cthulhu Mythos horror meets modern-day technothriller conspiracy! The infamous, award-winning game setting is coming out as a standalone roleplaying game based on the Basic Roleplaying system. Talk to the designers about their plans for Delta Green and about its approach to Mythos horror. Indiana Convention Center, Room 201 [SEM1233998]
I have no programming on Sunday. Obviously, someone has blundered.
Over the course of the show, I've also got some number of podcast interviews, meetups, and gosh-knows-what, some of which is even written down somewhere.
In between, I shall be at the Pelgrane Press booth, selling (inshallah) hardback copies of Night's Black Agents and print copies of The Zalozhniy Quartet. I believe that Atomic Overmind will have some copies of Tour de Lovecraft: The Tales in stock along with Cthulhu in World Mythology by Jason Colavito (edited by y.h.s.). I don't think I have anything else dropping at the show, but I could be confused. More confused than normal, that is. I shall try to flit about the hall in my accustomed starling-like fashion, but the siren call of selling more of my books may keep me more than normally moored to the Pelgrane stand. Come say hi!