Oct 08, 2008 00:57
what to think right now, I feel quite numb even as my heart smacks against the inside of my chest. I can't even stop shaking long enough to type a sentence without a mistake...
Today got off to a great start, I think. Minor set-back in getting to class but I still managed it with 10minutes to spare. I got going on my brief again, and I personally think my idea is rather grand. Its all centred around college respect policies: 'Expect Respect' is the motto they gave us to work with. My idea ties in with racial, and sexual equality in the college with the tag 'The many make one...' which basically means that all of us make one species: human. It doesn't matter whether you're white, black, asian, gay, lesbian, transsexual. We're all human in the end, we're all part of a greater 'thing'. I know the race row has been done to death but I think my solution has an interesting spin on it. I'm cutting up portraits of people from all different backgrounds and pasting them all into on fragmented face. I do love my little idea :).
Then, after class I met up with Charlotte and we got a milkshake from the new Shake About place in liverpool1 which was nice, though we waited tiiime and then I threw half of mine away. Then it was food time in Lloyds and I didn't eat all of that either :/.
We went along to the Echo Arena after that, thinking that Oasis were starting at 7. When we got there we were just sat while the place filled up and then after 20mins we found out they weren't on until 9. Charlotte was freaking out because there wasn't anywhere to smoke in the Arena at all at the request of the band. So we sat there like lemons until they started playing. Oasis were fantastic live and they played all the classics :D. The audience weren't exactly good though. Boring bastards that just sat there and swayed a bit on the spot instead of getting into the music!
All was well, apart from my bank account until I got home and spoke to Andy. He hadn't been replying to my texts or messages or anything properly for a day or two so I expected what was coming, really. Richard. This time the boy he was involved with, was Richard. Again, should I say? Well, whatever. I just feel used, and he went through all of the usual motions: 'I'm so sorry :(', 'I feel so bad', 'I can't help it, I love him' and what not. So I said my piece about Richard and he reeled off a load about how Richard is the only person who's been there for him.
Richard Pender makes me sick. I trusted him, completely and he fucked that up big style by abusing my trust and using the fact that I trusted him to lie to me. He made me think differently of people. The original reason I fell out with Michael was over Richard and I could never forgive him for the shit he put me through. Michael might be a headcase, but Richard Pender is so much worse on so many levels.
from the many make one,
lloyds bar,
shake about,
equal opportunities,
echo arena