Jun 11, 2003 16:59
Alright, finally writing another entry cause i'm bored.
Absolutely nothing has been happening lately... boring summer. I was supposed to be taking speech or one of my other annoying required classes this summer to get it out of the way but alas all were full already when my registration slot opened. fuckin communist seniors. in about 2 weeks I'm heading out to Alaska on a cruise with my friend Nate and the mother species. Should be fun...I plan on ice fishing with a native eskimo man. Of course though, the entire trip could be cancelled because there is a sudden outbreak of SARS in Vancouver (big suprise there) where the ship leaves port from, so we'll see what happens. After I get back, I plan to start up jazz again. I do so enjoy learning choreography. See, if I could dance the way I want to, I'd absolutely love dancing and have no problem doing it with all my friends and loved ones. All in due time. In the meantime, I'll continue to sing :P That's about all. When school starts again i'm going to try to begin and write the beginnings of my "fantasy world" story that will hopefully turn into a successful RPG series one day that everyone loves and adores ^_^ lets see... any more random stream of consciousness...we're all missin joe while he's away working relentlessly for the summer like we probably all should be doing... my cello is FINALLY fixed so I can start tryin to play it again... love front same as usual. There are people that I love dearly and would like to be with, if not now, possibly in the future, but feelings are not mutual currently. are they ever really? X2 was really good, enjoyed Matrix 2 (mostly the staff fighting scene..which he could of just done to begin with rather than wasting all the time with fists) I still need to see "Finding Nemo" cause i'm sure that'll be cute, and I want to see Bruce Almighty as well. I'm still playing Ragnarok, raising my wizard going through hell searching for that ever elusive Vitata card...ragnarok will keep me busy until the release of our beloved Final Fantasy XI which will be goddess only knows when. I'm gonna go to this Final Fantasy Ball in July. Its an evening formal just like a real ball and its all themed with Final Fantasy X this year. Metrocon is sponsering it. Gonna take my raging bull dykes along. love you girls ^_^ Any hot sexy man, wanna escort me? would be FUN. Well, that's enough for now kids. ja ne!