A Very Awesome Girlfriend

Feb 24, 2006 08:24

Tasha: (aka-Tizzy, aka-Tashaface, aka-gorgeous, aka-badass girlfriend)
So on V-day i drove down to Muncie to meet Tash for some Valentines day stuff. I get there before her last class ends, I waited for her outside the room. I thought to bring in the Yellow Rose I got her (damn wal-mart for having a shitty selection), but then I kinda thought that might be a little embarrassing for her...so I didnt. But I walked her to the car and gave her the stuff I got her for V-day. I got her a very gangsta bear in a pink hoodie, a very nice smelling candle, a picture frame in the shape of a heart, a box of chocolates with a sweet design on it, a card, and some flowers. Then we went to her car and she gave me the stuff she got for me. And I must say, she blew me away. She got me this very badass book on the creation of Halo, she also got me Team America (fuck yeah lol), a great card, and some reeses hearts. Very nice. Unfortunately what brought us down was that I forgot to make reservations, so pretty much everywhere had a shit load of people waiting out the door. So we go to Best Buy and browse around a while and Tasha picked up this guitar and started playing a pretty awesome game. Kinda like Dance, Dance only you play a guitar. She was smokin it. We chilled there for an hour+ then go on the look out for food places not so packed. So we try Red Lobster again, needless to say there was a hole assload of people (a hour and 45 min wait, plus the greeter bitch didnt acknowledge us) so we left. Came to Applebees, only an estimated 45 minute wait there which turned out to be 15-20 minutes because a lot of the people on th elist in front of us didnt show. Getting the food though took another half hour. Also there where 2 tables next to us filled with loud bastards drinking (fun, fun). Over all the day was pretty cool, will know better to make reservation next year (fucking red lobster)

Then theres the Terre Haute experience. Tash and I had this last weekend off, we I had it all off but she worked Fri night and Sat morning. But we left pretty much as soon as she got off. Bout a 3 and a half hour drive to visit a couple acquaintances. When we arrive we check into the Pear Tree Inn (not the best hotel I've every stayed in but wasnt to bad, was a little more affordable since we where gonna be staying 2 nights). So we chill out there, took some nice pictures, shot some Video, and went IHOP always nice. Day 2 we woke up around 3:30ish (we didnt stay up that late the night before maybe 1:30) to the sound of a child screaming, "NO DADDY, NO...Please" and then we went to the closest Walgreens for Milk and other breakfast style drinks. Have a couple bowls of mini cereals and then we hit the showers. We got all dressed up nice and went over to watch the last 2 boring hours of Nascar (the thing ran for 5 and a half hours). So we go to the 2nd Walgreens and buy theatre candy because we are off to a movie. They had 2 Kerasotes right next to each other sharing this giant ass parking lot. So we chose the theatre on the right. I looks nice inside and instantly you know for a fact its a Kerasotes because they where wearing the same gay uniform. The major difference in this theatre from ours is that the one in Terre Haute had Bullet Proof Glass shielding the box people and doors on either side of the box office. Also instead of the marquise they have pictures of the movies with there names above the doors. We watched "Date Movie". It was funny at times but like parodies anymore they were very random and predictable. Best part was the cat, Jinksers. After the movie we visit the 3rd Walgreens in Terre Haute, this one was run down and shitty looking (I guess its in a very, very bad neighborhood; crime, drugs, etc). So we run from that one to the car. We make our way to Papa Johns and go back to the Hotel to hang out and watch TV. O Brother Where Art Thou, my first time watching it, very good. After a bit Tasha's contact begins irritating her eye really bad :(. So I take our company home and when I returned I laid with Tash until we went to sleep. The Next morning we are up in time for breakfast, wasnt bad, but again wasnt the best either. We packed up our stuff and said our fair wells. Terre Haute is big with so much stuff only it looks very slummy. On our way back we stopped in a place called I think Fortville (about 10 miles north of Indy) to get gas. The entire city that I saw looked new, as though it was built the day before new. All the houses were huge, the schools were massive, their CVS looked like a castle (normally they look like shit). LOL and a Walgreens was under construction right across the street hahaha. That has to be where all the super rich in Indiana live, all the sports stars and the Governor. All in all though, all that we saw and did the best part of the week end was spending every minute of it with Tasha. No worrying about work or school, just us doing what ever having a great time :).

Then Tuesday marked 8 months together (very awesome). We didnt do much because we where kinda poor from the weekend. I went with her to Munice and hung out. Its just been so great, shes so very awesome. We have a lot of fun, a lot of adventures (we've been to 10 different walgreens in 4 cities lol). I can tell you though whats best of all, just holding her (or laying with her), looking into those beautiful blue eyes of hers, telling her sweet things and how gorgeous she is, and then she puts her head to my chest and says in that soft sweet voice, those words that only she can say and them have such an amazing meaning. Her telling me that she loves me :) Your the greatest Tasha and I love you so much.
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