According to Caryl Henry Alexander of Clinton in Prince George's Co., "Steny worked the room and things did not get too too crazy. There were a lot of doctors asking questions, especially about tort reform. There were folks there who were bussed in to disrupt, we saw the bus! In general I was struck by how small the conversation has gotten. He strongly supports a "Public Option". It remains to be seen what that is going to look like for the public." [Comment: I never hear the media mention the busses. They focus on the disruption, but not where the disruptors come from - they're paid by the insurance industry.]
At Reuters Blogs, they say,
"Hoyer draws jeers, cheers at healthcare town hall"Public option is an option. You don’t have to belong to it,” he said arguing that it would lower insurance premiums by providing competition to private insurance companies.... While there is broad Democratic support in the House for a public option, Hoyer declined to predict its fate in the Democratic-led Senate. “It is difficult to determine where the Senate is headed,” said Hoyer, reflecting the uncertainty of what will happen when Congress returns next week.
CNBC said,
Hoyer on Health Bill: No Tax Hike, No Deficit Spending, Fully Paid For Or ‘I'm Not Going to Vote For It'. They include a 98 second video of the meeting. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), in a July 17 assessment, estimated that the House Ways and Means Committee’s health care legislation would increase the deficit by $239 billion over 10 years even if taxes were raised by $583 billion. Health-care legislation has been passed through three House committees. Hoyer mentioned that House staffers had been working through the August recess to reconcile the three bills.
And at Southern Maryland News,
"Emotions high at Hoyer town hall"About 1,500 people crammed into the gym - event organizers set up extra chairs to allow everyone who stood in line, some for several hours, to gain admittance - where a roughly even mix of supporters and opponents traded barbs over the controversial reform plan.
Charles County sheriff's deputies escorted two people out of the gym, including one unidentified man who had to be forcibly separated from nearby spectators. No charges were pressed against either person, sheriff's spokeswoman Diane Richardson said.
...The first questioner, April M. Burke of Mechanicsville, said her son and daughter-in-law had both lost their jobs and health insurance, but still were covered by the state. She asked why the federal government needs to get involved. Hoyer said her family would benefit from the legislation being considered, but Burke remained unconvinced.
"We want the government out of our business now," she bellowed to cheers from the audience.
I wonder how much of that state money came from the federal government? I wonder why Hoyer didn't mention how the federal government gives money to the state.
While the anti-reform crowd was plenty vocal, supporters made their voices heard as well.
Bruce Dunton of California [note: that's in St. Mary's County, Maryland] praised the current Medicare system and hoped that the reform proposal will only make it better for older Americans like himself.
...In his presentation, Hoyer tried to refute several myths about the health care proposal, including the existence of so-called "death panels" and the claim that it will be a government-run system.
WJLA's report also includes a video:
Pres. Obama May Get Specific about Health Overhaul Also check out
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