Comments on this would be appreciated.
Last night at the
Prince George's County Civic Federation, there was a big debate about CB-49. Basically it was because the argument against gambling was that we already have the highest gambling in the state of Maryland in the county through lottery statistics and that those same zip code areas are the highest in crime. This did not seem logical to some that those references meant we should be against gambling - the information we were given referred to "casinos". CB-49 does not reference casinos, though, and we had no information about the actual language of the bill. Volunteer fire fighters were dismayed that their right to do fundraising through gambling was taken away from them by county law years ago and they thought it was so that commercial facilities would eventually come in.
I downloaded the bill and it only refers to "Video Lottery Facilities" and it says "For the purpose of prohibiting video lottery facilities in Prince George's County." indicating every zoning area of the county. I understand that it will be voted on on the 15th. You can find county bills on but you can only use IE on Windows (Mac users cannot access it). ---- Also check out
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