Mar 12, 2009 01:08
Do you know what, people? Really. Honestly. Do you know? We are just SO so so sick of crazy things happening. Do you know what happened to Us? No you do not. Do you know why you do not know? Because We have not told you. And do you know why We have not told you?
BECAUSE WE WERE BUSY!You may ask Us why We were so busy. Go ahead and ask yourself "Why was Prince so busy?" .... Did you ask it? WELL! We were busy ROLLING UP EVERYTHING ON EARTH INTO THE BIGGEST KATAMARI EVER! At least We THOUGHT We were! We thought We were back at home, where Mr. Bird asked Us to make the biggest Katamari, so that he could feel nice and big like Mr. Elephant! And do you know what? We did it.
But that happened already.
We think We did the Time Warp again. Or something like that.
We thought We were in our proudest moment! And do you know what? We were NOT. No. We were HERE. And do you know what We were doing? We rolled up a Katamari that was full of monsters and trash so big that We could not push it because of the Not-Potato-Chip, and somehow We rolled it until it got wedged between some steps! We are SO lucky it did not come out, because We would have been rolled over and crushed to DEATH! DEAF! DIEF! Do you understand Us?!
... We do not remember the point. Anyway stop making all of us see things. You are buttheads.
we are not amused,
stoned prince,
prince loves all you guys,