Quest 238

Dec 12, 2010 13:36

[Private || Hackable by Friends]

Goodness, what a busy week it's been. It's nice to finally take a moment and just get all my thoughts in order, really, after all the commotion. But my goodness, four or five curses all in one week? And all different ones, besides--it's the strangest thing.

Let me think, then. We had the one of lists, where everyone was laying out whether they thought they were naughty or nice, which was harmless enough, if a bit...forthright, at times. And then we had a day of peace, and then it was that awful, awful battle in Xanadu, and the very next day after it was the one with the elements, without even a day to recover in between. And then we had an empty day--that was Thursday--and then Friday was just...strange, and yesterday it seems things had something to do with people being shot, of all things. Shot! Miss Saya said someone had shot her, and I suppose being squirted with water was rather the same, myself. Goodness, it's just ridiculous.

And now today is a day of peace. Is it a pattern, then? Two days of commotion and then one day of peace? If that's so, then we ought to have...let me think...four curses this week. One, two, and the third is empty. Four, five, and the sixth is empty. That's how it's been for the past week. But how long will it last?

There's something to it, I'm sure. We never have curses one after the other, except on those random weekends, or when it all ties together. And these ones aren't like either of those, so it must be something new and something different. How long will it go on, and what more is there to come? Is there a pattern to the curses they're sending at us? It can't be that they all involve fighting, even though most of them seem to. What could it be?

Well, in any case, if that pattern is true, then I'd better make the most of this day while I have it, since I won't get another again for a few days yet, and there's no telling what might come at us all in the next few days, either.

Let's see, what else is there to think about? Nigel seems to be settling in well, at least. And it is nice having people around the Warehouse again, especially someone closer to my own age. He and Miss Saya really are very nice, if a bit...reserved. Though I don't think that has anything to do with me not making them feel welcome enough, honestly; I'm sure I've done my very best to be helpful and pleasant, and if they like keeping to themselves, then...well, at least I tried, anyway. And perhaps it's not anything I've done or haven't done at all, either.

Maybe it's just that I keep expecting them to be Sam, but they're not. And that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. I miss him, but...but he's home, and I'm still here, and I have to keep going on, even if he isn't here to go along with me.

Oh...and today's December 12th, isn't it? It's been a year now since I traded with the deities for the last time. It was nice having Mojo here for a while, wasn't it? And now I have Snowdrop and Prince, and...and that's quite all right, too. Snowdrop's finally warmed up to me--and isn't that a funny thing to say, with a name like Snowdrop? Goodness, and that means it's been almost a year since Blue got her for Miss Alice, too, isn't it?--and it's nice when she comes in and curls up on my bed to keep me company, even if she is a bit put off by the clutter and she hogs much more than her share of the mattress when she does.

I wonder if the lakes are frozen over enough yet to go skating around on them? Or if not, I suppose I could always just skate around the Warehouse on my Rollerblades, but it'd be more fun to make good use of the ice while we have it. And it's more fun that way, anyway, because Cain might go with me if I ask.

There's planning for Christmas to get done, too. Shopping and decorating and perhaps even finding a sleigh for Valor and Amory's horse to pull. They'll make a bit of an odd pair, won't they? Since they're hardly a matched set. But I think it'd be great fun to go sleighing, nonetheless. And they'll be great help in finding a tree for the Warehouse, too.

And speaking of errands, I still need to decide who to give all these cards to. Some of them are easier than others, and of course there's still--

The back of his bedroom door for Sam. Right with all the pictures of me. And the Blue Light? With his trumpet?, perhaps his old apartment would be better. I ought to go dust and keep things in order again soon, anyway.

I'm sorry, Tamaki, I'm afraid I'm going to have to cheat a little on your cards. There are too many names that deserve them, and not enough to go around.


And so today seems to be a quiet day again, after two days of trouble. It was certainly an odd week this past week, wasn't it, with so many curses coming about one after the other? It's rather strange, really, since they usually don't fall one right after the other that way--at least, not unless they go together somehow, like that week we had all the sins one after another, or the weekends when we have the random curses for two days. But I can't seem to puzzle out what the connection between all of these could be, honestly. Some of them are silly and others are horrible and there's really no telling what might come up next--though, if there is a pattern to it, and it follows the one we've had all last week, then tomorrow and Tuesday ought to both have curses on them, and then Wednesday will be another day of peace again. But I suppose we'll simply have to wait and see, and to hope for the best however it goes.

Oh, and I received a lovely card yesterday morning, so thank you so very much to whoever sent it to me! It was one of the ones Tamaki was giving out the other day, too, and I'm very flattered to have received it, so thank you again, whoever it was. I really do appreciate it so very much.

Which reminds me, I still have to address and hand out the set I picked up, myself. It's such a lovely idea, isn't it? And I'm having great such fun with it, too.

And today is the twelfth, which means it's just under two weeks until Christmas! Which also means things ought to start getting quite busy soon, what with finding gifts and decorating for the holiday and planning out dinners and celebrations and things. In Daventry we always used to go riding around on Christmas Eve and visit as many of the people in the countryside as we could, to say hello and wish them a merry holiday. So perhaps that's what I'll do this year, too.

It's the right time of the year for gingerbread houses, too. I'll have to remember to buy a good few bags of candy to decorate them all, along with everything else.

Well! That's certainly a fine list of things to think about, isn't it? And a nice quiet day to work on them, too. That's something we can all be glad for, certainly.

[OOC: And so Rosella neatly covers up for the fact that I've had a pretty harrowing week, internet-wise. But hopefully that's fixed now (cross your fingers), so with any luck, I'm back in business for good. But on the off-chance that something else goes wrong (knock on wood)...if I suddenly disappear for hours at a time, please bear with me, and I promise I will get back to tags as soon as humanly possible. o/]

taking care of business, stronger now than yesterday, not traumatized yay!, your princess is in another castle, parting is such sweet sorrow, i already have a pony, post curse, home is where the heart is, adventures, rosella's journal, the perils of being rosella, daventry represent!, score one for the good guys, nineteen and loving it, he doesn't look a thing like jesus, i love my friends, a modern sort of princess, time to be a princess, happily ever after, there's no place like home, gotta love that optimism, put the pen down already, the most wonderful time of the year

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