Quest 237

Dec 04, 2010 19:32

Well, that was certainly an...interesting curse yesterday, wasn't it? Rather tedious after a while, of course, but the same could be said for most of the curses, anyway. When they're not dangerous, they're tedious, and even the nicer ones begin to get a bit wearing after a while, in the hours winding down toward midnight. But I did like yesterday's curse, in its own way; some of the songs were terribly catchy, and even if things did get a bit repetitive, at least it made it that much easier to learn the tune and the words. I recognized a few of them, even, from around Christmas last year--like the one about the holly and jolly, or the one about the star dancing in the night with the tail as big as a kite. I like both of those very much.

I'm, er, not quite as certain about the one about the hippopotamus, though. It does seem like a terribly odd gift to ask for, doesn't it? Whatever would one do with a hippopotamus, anyway? I could understand a horse, perhaps, but certainly not that.

Goodness, and speaking of horses, it's almost two years now that I've had Valor in the City! He was my Christmas present two years ago, and it's been just lovely having him. I wonder if there are any places to find a sleigh around the City? Or if there's time to build one, even, before Christmas Eve. It'd be great fun to go sleighing around to see everyone, especially with all this snow, and I'm sure Valor would enjoy the chance to trot about with a harness of bells and holly in his mane and so on.

And wasn't it lovely to see all of the visitors earlier this week? Most of them were They were all so nice! I saw Blue again, and Duo, and the Goblin King, and made plenty of other new friends besides. It's always so wonderful to visit with them all when they manage to come, and I think it made for a perfect start to the holiday season, really. Except for that awful

Oh, er--and Nigel, I do hope you've been settling in all right? If there's anything else you need, please do let me know and I'll be happy to see to it for you., ask, if you'd rather, and I'll help you find it yourself, instead.

hex and the city, not that kind of girl kthx, stronger now than yesterday, i'm sorry i can't be perfect, something wicked this way comes, your princess is in another castle, this place is weird beyond belief, post curse, home is where the heart is, the perils of being rosella, daventry represent!, score one for the good guys, curiosity killed the princess, nineteen and loving it, next time be more careful, i love my friends, a modern sort of princess, happily ever after, little princess in a terrible mess, gotta love that optimism, i'm attacking the darkness!, oblivious rosella is oblivious, la femme rosella

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