Quest 200

Jul 04, 2010 15:29

[Accidental Voice Post]

[The recording switches on in the midst of a cacophony of noise: the crunch of snow, the rustle of fabric, the whistle of wind. A discerning listener might conclude that the device has switched on by accident, perhaps in someone's pocket, and indeed it has. However, that discerning listener would not have long to ponder that conclusion, as a brief few seconds after the recording begins, a shrill, frightened shriek pierces through the whirlwind of sound. The rustling of fabric increases, and then--

Suddenly, the noise changes to something considerably more unnatural. What is the sound of magic at work? In this case, it is a cross between a whine, a rush of wind, and a dull popping noise.

A second passes, the whine gradually fades away, and now the noise takes on a new flavor: the rumble of an engine, the growl of machinery, the crack of plastic as the Network device connects with something solid, and a faint gasp from the female voice that had been shrieking just a few seconds before. After a heartbeat, there is a resounding thud--the sound of someone sitting up too fast in an enclosed space and cracking her head against the ceiling.]

Ouch! What--?!

[Now hands and feet begin to pound against metal in a frantic, syncopated beat as the noise in the background continues, and once again she begins to scream--this time in definite words.]

No--no, no no no, no, no! No, help, help, please, someone--no, please, anyone--no, no, please, no, help me, help--!


[And at some point, in the frenzy of thrashing and motion, the feed cuts off.]

[OOC: So apparently it's becoming a tradition--every hundred posts, Rosella uses her magic stone of teleportation and gets dumped someplace totally inconvenient. In this case, it's the trunk of dude_imbatman Impala, after just having the daylights scared out of her by the Tickler (details here; log is still ongoing). Awkward.

Action for Dean, Network for everyone else, all responses assumed to be voice, and other than possibly an initial few comments of her screaming incoherently in the trunk, will generally come sometime after Dean lets her out. ♥]

really need a hug kthx, no no no no no no, deadlier than cupid's bow, adventures, rosella is not amused, the perils of being rosella, hundredth post!, heck yeah i can teleport, curiosity killed the princess, next time be more careful, augh seriously wtf, do you believe in magic, behold my mad skills, little princess in a terrible mess, gdi betty we're done professionally, what is this i don't even, a bit tied up at present, all the cool kids know magic, la femme rosella

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