Quest 189

May 28, 2010 18:24

My goodness, that was quite a day we had yesterday, wasn't it? Ugh, and what a mess it made, what with everything floating all about and then coming crashing down again when midnight came around. And I'm sure it wasn't very pleasant for all the ladies in skirts and dresses and things--I know I certainly had a time of it, and I'm sure plenty of other people did, too. But it's over now, and at least it didn't come around a day earlier and ruin our party at the beach, so that's something to be thankful for, just the same.

Mm, it's been two weeks now since that night when the deities opened the Carousel. It's strange to think it's only been that long; somehow, it seems like much longer. But that rather is always the way of things here in the City, isn't it? Miseries come and go, and as soon as they come to an end we start trying not to think about them anymore, since we're all so relieved that they're over with at last. And then soon enough we don't think about them at all--or at least, we don't until the next one comes.

Last November was that mess with the boxes, and then in December it was the barriers all falling apart, and then March was those plagues and the angel of death, and this month it was that shepherdess. Does this mean we'll have another month or so of peace and quiet before terrible things start happening again? I do hope so. I think we all deserve a bit of time to rest and relax around here, and especially so with summer fast on the way.

Well! And there's nothing like a project to help keep one busy and lift one's spirits. Things are going along nicely with the car; I've been going over things a few times each day and I've managed to remember just about everything off of my notes without needing to refer back to them in the middle. Now if I can just get used to actually doing it, rather than simply going through the motions, I'm sure it'll all be all right. After all, the only place I'll ever need to drive is--er, that is, I don't imagine I'll need to go driving around very often once I learn, since I do have Valor and my Rollerblades for getting around from day to day. But it'll be quite nice, of course.

Oh, and speaking of my Rollerblades, I think I'll go around for a skate tonight. It's lovely and warm outside, and daylight is lasting longer and longer each day, and it really has been quite some time since I had the chance to go. That does rather seem to be one of the downsides of driving in cars--there's no feeling of the wind in one's hair, the way that there is on a horse or on Rollerblades. But I suppose, with as fast as cars go, it's for the best that it isn't!

Yes, that's just what I'll do. Skating around and feeling the wind blow and seeing how fast I can go sounds like a marvelous way to spend an evening.

[OOC: Optimism reserves...recharging! And off she goes to Rollerblade around, so feel free to action her up if you'd like to; if not, she'll respond by voice or text during her breathers.

Also, for anyone interested, my HMD is here!]

nineteen and loving it, stronger now than yesterday, behold my mad skills, not traumatized yay!, i love my friends, a modern sort of princess, post curse, gotta love that optimism, i already have a pony, why yes i am a ninja, the most wonderful time of the year, home is where the heart is

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