Quest 188

May 23, 2010 18:04

[Private//Hackable by Friends]

...Ugh, I don't know what's gotten into me lately. All that business about the sheep is over now, and the Carousel has gone back to the way it ought to be, and everyone is fine and Penny just had a simply lovely birthday, and there's absolutely no reason at all why I shouldn't be perfectly happy. I shouldn't be moody because there's nothing to be moody about. I shouldn't be letting curses grate on my nerves or getting bothered about things I already know about and--oh, drat it all, I am, aren't I.

I did it again. Again. The City was struck with peril and people were getting into all sorts of trouble and I hid in the Warehouse and didn't do anything to help, again. And I know I resolved to start listening to the people I care about and to try to stay out of trouble when things like that happen so I don't turn into one more thing for them to worry about, but--

Why does it seem like every time something like that happens, I always choose wrong? I stay put in the times when I ought to go help and I go out and help when I ought to stay put, and I always come away from it feeling awful. It wasn't like that when I was home, where things made sense. I know how to choose when I'm faced with the dangers from home. It's just when I'm here that everything gets mixed up.

I would've been fine if I had gone out to help people from the sheep. I didn't sacrifice any of them. They would've left me alone. I could've done something and it would've been fine, and someone else might not have gotten hurt because I was there to help. Or if I'd bothered to ask Dr. Chase more questions about what to do if someone was bitten. Or if I'd sent help to the Opera House at all when I had the chance. Or if I knew any sort of magic with the power to heal or--or any number of things, there's so many things I could've done and I didn't do any of them and I just hate it, I hate it that I didn't.

Sometimes I really do wish I were a modern girl--silly, as though that would solve things. It's been more than a year now since that curse that made me into one, and as much as I found it unsettling, being that girl who was me but wasn't...I can't help but wonder if she might do better in a place like this than I have. Certainly, she wouldn't feel like as much of an oddity as I do at times. No, she'd be as confident here as I am when I'm at home. Perhaps she wouldn't find all the things Dr. Chase talks about so confusing, and perhaps she wouldn't be nearly so shy about all those things that modern girls do, and perhaps she'd know better than to take it personally when some people talk about being pleasantly surprised when girls throw themselves at him all over the place. Even though I am absolutely not jealous about it occurring because there's nothing to be jealous about and I'm going to put that thought right out of my mind this instant. I mean it.


That does it. If I'm going to sit around wishing to be a modern girl, then I might as well do something modern about it, too. learning to drive the car. Yes, that's it, I'm learning how to drive that car and that's all there is to it. I've been meaning to do it for months now, anyway, and it's a perfectly modern thing to do, and there's nothing like a project to help one take one's mind off things, after all. At least it'll give me something else to do besides sitting around feeling glum.

And I'm still not jealous.


--Key into keyhole (look on side of wheel)
--Twist key
--Hands on wheel
--Step on stop brake
--Move stick to "D" (to go forward) or "R" (to go backwards)
--Step off brake (slowly!)
--Steer with wheel

(do this backwards to stop?)

Things to Pay Attention To
--Mirrors (left, middle, right)
--Signals (left, right)
--Dials (speed, fuel)

--What is a "blind spot"?
--Switches for wipers? Headlights?
--Leave lots of time to stop

...Drat, this is much more complicated than I thought it would be.

[OOC: Hello, tl;dr, my old friend; I've come to talk with you again! So Rosella's been doing her best to not be moody in the aftermath of the sheepocalypse, but despite her best efforts at holding it off, it's starting to catch up with her. So she's decided to get to work completing one of her New Year's Resolutions to take her mind off of it! Hence, learning to drive. And she...doesn't actually realize that these notes have posted themselves to the Network, either. Sob.]

time for some emo, really need a hug kthx, i'm sorry i can't be perfect, your princess is in another castle, h is for hypocrite, rosella's journal, the perils of being rosella, curiosity killed the princess, bad memories, optimism level is dwindling, a modern sort of princess, what is this i don't even, all the cool kids know magic, missing daventry, put the pen down already, oblivious rosella is oblivious, la femme rosella

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