Quest 178

Apr 07, 2010 19:28

[Accidental Video Post]

[The video opens with an image of Rosella, sitting at a table in the Library with bookshelves all around her as a backdrop. For anyone reasonably familiar with the Library, it is clear that she is not in one of the more high-traffic areas; quite the contrary, she's picked the quietest corner she could find, and tucked herself away as best she could in the back. All around her on the table are stacks of books piled seven or eight high, not so much for the purposes of reading, but--as soon becomes clear--for the purposes of huddling behind, and for obscuring from passing view the small pile of photographs she has accumulated in front of her.

From the way she handles them, they don't seem to be in any sort of order, and from the disheveled state of the pile, it looks as though she merely scooped up an armful off the ground and took them with her to examine, rather than picking them up one by one and looking at them individually. As she shuffles them around, attempting to straighten them into some sort of order, she mutters under her breath.]

So it's this curse again. I remember this one, raining memories in the form of pictures. As though the one that puts our memories up on the Network for all to see without our knowing isn't trying enough already...

[She sifts quickly through the pictures, her eyes flickering over them; she is clearly looking with a particular objective in mind, and from the way she shakes her head when she is done, it is apparent that she hasn't found what she was looking for.]

Drat, there aren't any of mine. Which means either there aren't any of mine at all floating around today...or I just haven't found any of them yet. Drat it all.

Well, I can at least give these ones back, anyway. Let's see, then.

[And she begins to sift through again, more carefully this time, glancing at each picture and separating them out into two piles--one of people she doesn't know, which becomes apparent from the way she quickly glances at them and then immediately sets them aside, and one of people she does know, which are equally apparent from the way she lingers over them.

After a minute or so of sorting, she glances at one and nearly drops it, her eyes going wide.]

What in the--

[And quite abruptly, the feed ends.]

[OOC: Rosella's in ur City lookin at ur pictures! And she's nabbed quite a few of them, too, but she's only collecting them so she can give them all back to their owners, promise. She hasn't found any of herself today yet, but anyone interested is welcome to grab any of the ones listed here. No limit on the number of duplicates, so have a ball! Just let me know if you're finding one, please? ♥]

taking care of business, not that kind of girl kthx, your princess is in another castle, h is for hypocrite, this place is weird beyond belief, the perils of being rosella, score one for the good guys, so farfetched it's gotta be true, curiosity killed the princess, nineteen and loving it, taking one for the team, i love my friends, time to be a princess, affected, why yes i am a ninja, what is this i don't even, curse: spring rain

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