c: The Fall (NC-17) Connor/Abby (Cretaceous Fic) Part 5 of 5 - COMPLETE

Feb 19, 2013 17:10

Title: The Fall
Chapter: Just Once - Connor & Abby (5 of 5) COMPLETE
Author: Winter Ashby (rosweldrmr)
Disclaimer: Primeval © Adrian Hodges & Tim Haines
Rating: M
Warnings: M Rating is for sexually explicit situations - for realsies.
Time Line: Post Season 3 - Pre Season 4. The lost year.
Summary: She wished she could explain what he meant to her. But she didn't know how or was too afraid, words had always failed her. But she could show him. So she said, "I need this, Connor." When what she meant was 'I need you.' [Connor/Abby]
Authors Notes: This is a joint chapter POV, where Abby has to make a decision, is she going to put herself out there, to try and win Connor or stay quiet and let things stay as they were?

I tried to stay as true to canon as possible, I think the only liberty I took was, in this fic, Connor and Abby slept together once right after Cutter died and before Connor moved out.

This fic is now complete.

genre: hurt/comfort, character: connor, genre: het, pairing: abby/connor, genre: angst, series: 3, character: abby, genre: smut

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