Recap: Season Two, Episode Four

Jun 29, 2011 22:26

Sorry it's been so long since the last one! Health issues.

So what do we think of the finale? How about the part where the thing happened, and then the character said the words? (Mods, was that vague enough? :D )

Enjoy episode four. As always, screencap versions are here on lj and here on dreamwidth. It's a slightly different style this week, comments would be lovely!

Some kids are playing basketball, ignorant of the pipe cover nearby that keeps lifting and spewing out water. One of the kids, Lucien, misses the ball and is sent to get it. It's landed in the now uncovered pipe and is floating. Lucien picks his way over the very marshy ground and rescues it. Then he's grabbed by a thing.

The kids have found another ball and ignore his yells for help, even though one looks over and he's clearly in trouble. Nice friends, Lucien.

An alert goes off at the ARC and Leek is ready. At first it appears to be in the river; it fades out before the tech can locate it.

Caroline's at the flat. She turns off Connor's phone as it vibrates an alert and attempts to pal up to Abby as she practises her kickboxing. Abby isn't impressed.

Connor is, especially when Caroline demonstrates. She's cooked dinner, but Cutter calls Abby and she hurries Connor out. Caroline is not impressed. “What could possibly be so important that you just have to leave everything?”

She reports to Leek that she delayed them as long as she could.

Rex helps himself to some of the food and Caroline glares.

Jenny tells Cutter Lucien was seen struggling with something. The drain runs to the canal. Cutter orders it sealed and jumps into the drain, followed by Stephen.

It's pretty creepy down there, especially when something starts crying. It's vaguely whale-like, but creepier. For some reason, Stephen thinks it’s Lucien, even though it’s clearly an animal. They set off to chase it, but they lose it in the water.

Someone is watching.

Connor complains about having to abandon Caroline. Abby complains about her coming around the flat all the time.

“Stop coming over to my flat every five minutes.”

“Our flat!...Your flat.”

“Why is she around so much anyway?”

“Don’t be naive, Abby. You’re looking at the reason, aren’t you?”

Oh, Connor. Never change.

It degenerates into a fight, but Cutter intervenes before it gets too far.

They take the boats out to search. Night has fallen by the time they find anything; mammal skin, shed like a snake.

Connor and Abby are still sniping in the other boat and Jenny's getting fed up with it.

“Port about 20 metres...I said port!”

“This is port!”

“It was starboard then! Just go before it disappears.”

“How am I supposed to tell him which way to steer if you don’t know which way is which?”

Jenny falls overboard when the boat hits something and surfaces some distance away. Connor urges her towards the boat, getting more frantic as something like a shark starts chasing her.

“You’re gonna have to hurry up, darling! Come on, you can do it. You’ll be fine!”

Jenny, of course, can't swim, and it doesn't occur to either of them to get in after her. Nick and Stephen save the day, swinging in between Jenny and the creature and shooting it dead.

As they leave, something else briefly surfaces, unseen.

Back at the ARC, Cutter comes to talk to Jenny. She's a little shaken. Nick reminds her she can quit whenever she wants but she says she'll take her chances. Nick accidentally calls her Claudia while attempting to be comforting. They discuss her fiancé and Nick’s lack of anyone. “I don’t seem to be a particularly attractive romantic proposition at the moment.”

It's a really nice moment between the two, and maybe the first time he sees her as someone other than Claudia's doppelganger.

Nick, Stephen and Abby examine the dead Creature. They decide it's the future version of a shark, even more bitey and creepy than the current version.

Nick cuts it open and they find Lucien's ball and shoe but nothing else, meaning the shark didn't eat him.

Nick and Stephen report to Lester.

“Give me some good news.”

“We still haven’t found the boy.”

“No, that’s bad news. Good news makes people happy. Try again.”

“We. Found. The. Shark.”

“Now you’re getting the hang of it!” Oh, Lester, we love you.

They contradict each other several times as they describe what they're looking for. Lester takes Stephen's recommendation - drag the canal - over Nick's - widen the search. Leek attempts to toady when the meeting's over, but Lester isn't having any of it.

Connor and Abby find Caroline asleep on the couch when they get back in. Connor goes to talk to her while Abby goes into the kitchen. She finds Rex in the fridge and starts screaming at everyone. Connor abandons Caroline to help her, but still gets yelled at. Seems unfair.

"Don't touch him, Connor! You don't know what you're doing! Just keep your girlfriend away from him in future, yeah?"


The team head back to the canal the next morning. Nick is eager to search around the area, but Stephen doesn't think so.

"Look, when have I ever been wrong? ...Except about women, generally."

Nick overrides Stephen's protests and starts looking nearby. He sees a man in black camo and gives chase, haring along piers and over boats. It's pretty damn impressive, to be honest.

Eventually he runs the man down in a small boat's hold. It's the Cleaner. Nick gets too close and is knocked out, falling artistically in a patch of sunlight. When he comes around he hears the whale-like singing again.

Back on the pier he lowers listening equipment into the water. Connor is worried in case the Cleaner comes back, but Nick doesn't think he will. They realise they've both seen the Cleaner and think maybe Lester's spying on them. Abby wants to get Stephen but Nick won't let her. She and Connor are still sniping.



"Like you've ever been to Glastonbury."

"How would you know?"

“Look, what's going on with the pair of you?”

“Connor's dating Cruella DeVille.”

Nick takes them out in the boat and starts playing back the whale song sounds. It doesn't seem to occur to them that since they have no idea what the sounds mean, this might not be their best idea ever. Abby, leaning over the side, sees one of the Creatures, but by the time she gets the others' attention it's gone and she brushes it off.

Connor and Nick turn back to their controls and the Creature rises out of the water and snatches Abby. Nick dives overboard to look for her, leaving Connor to dither helplessly.

Connor summons backup, and divers and more boats search. Eventually they call a halt, much to Connor's dismay.

"We could just go out there and we can find her, all we need to do is get back in the boats and do something WHY IS NO ONE DOING ANYTHING?"

Lester, looking surprisingly sympathetic, sends him home with Jenny and throws Cutter off the case, leaving Stephen in charge. Stephen wants to keep searching the canal, ignoring Nick's advice. I don't know why; they have proof that something's in the river now...

At the flat Connor sits in absolute silence, devastated, trying desperately not to imagine Abby underwater. Rex tries to cheer him up, but it doesn't help much. Excuse me, I've got something in my eye.

Abby surfaces in a tank that's almost full of water. Lucien is beside her. They attempt to break out, but a Creature rapidly dissuades them. Abby promises Lucien that her friends will find them.

"My friends are looking for us. They're going to be here soon."

"They don't even know we're alive."

"They'll find us. I promise."

Nick's back at the river. Jenny approaches, reminding him that he's not supposed to be there. She then gives him information that seems to back up his theory - a local building has flooded and the water isn't subsiding.

"Hey - as petty-minded bureaucrats go, you're the best."

Nick calls Connor, who opens his phone but doesn't speak. Nick fumbles through "I know how you feel" and tells him about the lead. Connor doesn't answer at any point. Nick gives up and heads off.

Lucien and Abby are almost underwater. Abby talks him out of his fear as best she can.

"Seriously though, who'd be frightened of a giant tadpole?"

Stephen and his driver have found a small opening in the side of the canal.

"The opening's too small. We're going to smash up the sub."

"I'll buy you a new one, just keep going."

Nick finds an entrance to the basement but can't get in. Connor approaches with a crowbar; we're supposed to think he's going to hit Nick, but of course he doesn't, offering it to him to break through the entrance. Nick thanks him for coming and Connor says he isn’t doing it for him, he's doing it for Abby, because they fought. Nick reassures him that Abby knew how much he cared about her.

Stephen and Nick both register the reopened Anomaly on their ADDs.

Abby and Lucien are in serious danger of drowning.

Connor and Nick find a brick wall. Nick starts to break through it with the crowbar.

"It's just a wall."

Abby is yanked underwater by the Creature. Nick and Connor break through the wall and rescue Lucien. He tells them Abby was taken. Connor runs off.

On the next level down Abby is propelled out of the water by the Creature. She kicks it in the head, using Caroline's kick move, knocking it back into the water.

Nick and Lucien are threatened by another Creature, but Lucien knocks it out.

"Yes! Two points! Who says I can't play?"

A third Creature erupts from a pipe, knocking Nick into the tank. The minisub rises between them, distracting the Creature for just long enough for him to get out.

Stephen arms himself from the soldiers and dives overboard, following the sub.

Connor finds Abby just as the mother Creature rises. Connor actually takes a step back unconsciously, it's brilliant. He attempts to get to her, but the Creature knocks him into a wall and underwater. When he struggles out, Abby and the Creature are gone.

He gets a hero run as he dives for the Anomaly.

Nick and Lucien are facing off three Creatures when Stephen emerges, shooting.

Connor climbs a cliff on the other side of the Anomaly. He finds Abby some distance below him and lies down, stretching over the cliff to her. There's a lot of dramatic stretching and climbing until she starts slipping.

"Just let me go!"

"I can't...I love you!"

Then they're both about to fall, but Nick gets there just in time to rescue them both. It looks like he nearly dislocates Connor's shoulder to do it, too...

"Time to go!"

Nick and Stephen shoot all their pursuers dead, and they escape back to their own time, where there are soldiers guarding the Anomaly. When did the soldiers start working again? Cutter sends Abby and Connor up to get checked out and he and Stephen join the soldiers aiming weapons at the Anomaly.

Lucien suggests Connor is Abby's boyfriend. She is horrified.

"I reckon your boyfriend did a good job."

"He's not my boyfriend."

Cutter and Stephen have apparently given up on guard duty, as they come to meet Lester when he arrives.

"Has the Anomaly closed?"

"No. It's still there, and it's likely to recur."

Lester tells Leek to get the basement filled in with concrete. He then rehires Nick and insults Stephen. It's a very neat little speech.

"I suppose it's just as well you decided to disobey orders. If it had been left up to Stephen we'd all still be looking in the wrong place, wouldn't we?"

Back at the flat, Abby asks Connor about his confession.

"Back there on the other side of the said something."

"Yeah. Said a lot of things, didn't I? Mostly 'argh'!"

"Maybe I didn't hear you right. I thought you said something you felt about me."

He's about to either completely deny it or cop to it when...

Caroline appears.

She talks Connor into leaving with her - and Connor, really, you're still in the same clothes, what is this thing you have? - and they leave Abby behind.

At least Rex seems to be alright.

Leek talks to the Cleaner over a video link, telling him to keep away from the team in future. When the Cleaner cuts the link, Helen suits forward and reveals herself. They do a lot of not-talking-about-things

"I hope you can deliver what you promised."

"I can. Remember I have a lot riding on this as well."

"Then I'm sure everything is going to be just fine."

before she leaves.

discussion: series 2, resources: recap, series: 2

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