Title: Lunch, amongst other things.
Fandom: Primeval
Ship: Jess Parker/Hilary Becker, background Matt/Emily and Abby/Connor
Word Count: 13,300 (in total)
Rating: R, M
Warning: mild language, sex
Disclaimer: They are not mine. I use some lines from the novel A Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas. To set the scene, the music mentioned in the club sounds remarkably like anything by The Kills.
Spoilers: Everything up to and including season five, episode four.
A/N: This just sort of happened. Again. I still really have no excuse for myself. A very big thank you to my two fabulous betas,
taraljc and
Summary: It all started at lunch when someone mentioned sex. Becker is, surprisingly, feeling out of his depth. Matt, Emily, and Abby aren’t really helping. Jess/Becker.
Link to Part One at my LiveJournal cross-posted!