( bothering snape? )

Nov 08, 2007 10:43

Abruptly, the Prince Estate has a Jack Harkness on the grounds, standing rather conspicuously in the center of the circle reserved for PIN travel in the midst of a billowing greatcoat. He looks quite well put-together in a pinstripe waistcoat (complete with a silver pocketwatch on a matching chain) and dark trousers; with hands slipped into his pockets, he looks damn near casual. Unfortunately, he isn't. He's here to see a Headmaster about a job.

Jack takes the front steps one at a time - as opposed to the typical two-step bounding he was formerly prone to - and ducks into the estate with a bit of resignation. No dallying to talk to the portraits in the halls, no stopping by familiar offices, and he even holds off on sticking his head in the infirmary to check on Kurt; no, it's straight up to the Headmaster's office, first and foremost.

Of course, once he gets there, Jack takes his time actually knocking. A good minute, maybe, of actually being nervous about this - visibly, in fact - before he manages to raise a hand and knock at Snape's office door. Jack hopes - thinks, logically, as well - that his office hours are the same as they were a year ... er, four months ago.

harkness, open, misc, snape

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