Sausage Soiree 2010, Live at Albert Hall

Jan 05, 2010 11:23

mjollnirr It's sort of darkly amusing on how many artists seem to fall back on "I got raped as a child" when confronted about drawing something taboo.
I draw erotica because I love to. Beast dudes hoppin on Sally Richardson-caliber broads, I'm there! I. Love. Drawing. Porn.

mussawyr Raise your arms and rejoice for porn! (Or just one of them.)

karmadi110 "Raise your... hey, that's not a hand!" yuk nyuk

mussawyr "I see some curly tendrils over there! Tentacles, represent!"

karmadi110 I was gang-raped by cuttlefish as a child, that's why I draw tentacle porn lol.

hawkfeather If its good porn, your hand isn't what gets raised ;)

mussawyr ~ Wave your dicks in the air like you don't care ~

karmadi110 All of 'em? At once? I'm not a contortionist!

mussawyr Robots don't (usually) rape people, hence the sore lack of transgressive robot porno.

kitsunejey *strips and dances naked* XD

mussawyr *tilts head* So it's true what they say about Latino foxes.


mussawyr Wormsign! SEXY wormsign! <3

"We don't have a thumper, what shall we do to attract the worm?" *looking at each other*

junias Sniff the spice and dance like Christopher Walken?

mussawyr Floating around like non-canon Baron Harkonnen.

karmadi110 I tried to come up with a snappy comeback involving 'giving up water' or other fluids *ahem* but I failed...

mussawyr Let's just focus on Sting coming out with that thing on his crotch instead.

karmadi110 YES "All I see is an Atreides I want to..." hee hee hee

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