Nineteenth Card || Video/Action for Olivine

Apr 10, 2011 19:46

[ of course this is accidental. Asuka doesn't have the time to be exchanging pleasantries with the network, so the video feed cuts on abruptly to-- a whole bunch of iced Yanma dropping out of the sky, one disappearing into a Great Ball and Asuka's legs and short skirt.

... Once you are done staring at her ass, you may noticing that she's favoring one leg when she walks forward, scooping up her newly captured Pokémon. She's certainly seen her fair share of fighting, but it looks as though she's getting a brief reprieve-- even her usually hyperactive Minun is slumped on her shoulder and panting heavily. ]

All right-- good job, all of you. [ off-screen, a proud Dewgong responds. ] For now, let's return to the--

[ she's cut off by this music starting up, and there's a moment where she stiffens-- and then sighs. ]


[ nope, there goes her Ninetales, darting and weaving and in general being a big showoff as she pisses off a bunch of Skorupi just so she can keep Asuka's battle theme playing. Another sigh and Asuka reaches down to pick up the fallen 'gear, not noticing the blinking light and holding it to her ample chest as she heads over to call Inari back. ]

fighting without trading cards, damn bugs, totally spoiled fox, theme music overload, skirt action, just a big puppy, olivine, now is not the time, now i'll never be a bride, get out da way, every moment is a duelist moment, inari is not a rescue dog, putting the dysfunctional in team

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