Oct 19, 2008 14:12
Title: Double Sided Coin
Chapter: 2/(?)
Rated: T
Summary: A 'sequel' to Flight. Meta Knight centered fic
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“Sir Meta Knight, Sir Meta Knight!” Sword and Blade yelled down the hall. The Star Warrior stopped in his tracks at the sight of his two companions sprinting for him. He sighed; when overly-excited, Sword and Blade had a tendency to go overboard. He braced himself to be tackled.
Fortunately for him, however, the two knights came to a halt in front of him, trying to catch their breath. Relieved, Meta Knight’s posture relaxed.
“Yes?” Meta Knight asked, eyes glowing with both curiosity and annoyance.
“Uuumm…Good to…see you again.” Sword muttered, realizing the words he spoke were most likely unmeaning to his master’s thoughts at the time.
“It’s okay…” He trailed off in reply. “I wish you two would not overreact so much. Honestly…”
Sword and Blade shifted around in embarrassment. Upon the sight of Meta Knight on his way to the kitchen, they both quickly followed in his footsteps. The three knights took their seat and all diner conversations continued. Sword and Blade removed their helmets to start eating. That’s when everyone turned their heads toward them in surprise.
Surprisingly enough, the two knights continued to eat anyway without a care. Meta Knight sat on the opposite side of the two staring down at the table. He noticed the others watching him now and said aloud, “Don’t worry about me; I’ll save some to eat later.”
The room would have been silent if not for the clinking noises of forks hitting plates. Bun shrugged, “Suit yourself, I guess.”
All started eating again, except for one. Fumu glanced at Meta Knight from the corner of her eye every few moments. A question had been lingering far too long in her mind; she was becoming suspicious of how often Meta Knight was disappearing. Perhaps if she asked a simple question about the relationship between the three knights, she could hear why, thought Fumu. After clearing her throat (and saying a small prayer for her own sake), she asked:
“Hey Sword, Blade. How long have you known Sir Meta Knight?”
Her eyes made sure to inspect Meta Knight for any strange behavior. Nothing was happening so far.
Sword set down his fork and swallowed. He had never been asked this before, Sword thought. The knight was completely clueless as to what to respond with. “Hmm, it’s been a long time since we first met Sir Meta Knight. How long would you say it’s been, Blade?”
“Come to think of it, I never counted. Sir, do you know?”
Meta Knight didn’t answer.
“Sir? Are you okay?” Blade questioned while waving his hand in front of Meta Knights face. He snapped his attention to his subordinate.
“Fumu wants to know how long we’ve known you.”
“Oh. I’m not sure.” He said simply. Fumu took immediate note of his dazed attitude; definitely something to be wary of, she thought.
“Really? I thought you would’ve easily known,” Sword said. Meta Knight sighed.
“If it is alright with you all, I must say I’m quite tired. Please excuse me to my room. It was nice to see you all.”
Meta Knight hopped out of his seat and steadily walked out of the kitchen. Fumu kept her eyes trained on him like a hawk. Sword and Blade also watched him leave. While Fumu watched with pondering and wonder, the knights watched with worry.
Sword, Blade, and Fumu would have continued to stare down the hall had Kirby not started screaming.
“N…No! Met-o Knight-o!” Kirby cried, about to run after the blue puffball.
“Wow! Kirby, I totally forgot you were there.” Bun laughed.
“Hey, Kirby, seriously! Stop being so loud!” Tokkori complained.
Kirby didn’t acknowledge the bird’s squawking and simply got out of his chair to hastily follow Meta Knight. Fumu snapped out of her thoughts about Meta Knight and became aware that Kirby brushed by her without a hesitation.
“Kirby! Hang on! Where are you going?!”
“Poyyo!!” Kirby whined from outside the kitchen.
Meta Knight walked down the stone halls of the basement, barely aware of his surroundings. He was thinking of that laugh; it was fresh in his mind now. The way it sounded: it snickered at first, and oh, how it sounded sickeningly superior.
The more he thought about that laugh, the angrier he got. What authority did that figure have for laughing like that? He couldn’t believe that someone was trying to declare that they were better than he was.
He stopped himself; it wasn’t in his nature to be angry over such a small matter. Taking deep, slow, and even breaths, Meta Knight stepped up to his door. Just as he put his hand up to open the door, Kirby came running up to him. His eyes were glossy as if he was going to cry. The knight couldn’t bear to see such a small child look such a way.
“Meta-o Knight! Met-o Knight!” Kirby whimpered, digging his face into his cape. Meta Knight took a silent sigh in distress.
“Calm down, Kirby. What is it?”
Kirby grabbed Meta Knights hand and shook it up and down. “No leave Met-o Knight! No leave!”
“What are you talking about, Kirby? I’m not going to leave.”
“Poyo??” Kirby asked no longer shaking Meta Knights hand.
Meta Knight shook his head. “No, I won’t. Why were you concerned about me…? I mean, of all people…”
That name only brought on more confusion to Meta Knight. He let out a small “oh”, for that was the most he could possibly say. Kirby lit up and started off, leaving the Star Warrior’s arm fall limply. Meta Knight watched him, thinking about the time he first saw Kirby on the verge of tears. He sighed and smiled under his mask. Kirby is a wise mind distracter.
Back in the kitchen Fumu had asked Sword and Blade to stay after everyone else had left. After a few moments of bustle, the three sat at the table silently. Blade tapped his foot on the leg of his chair. Sword rested his head in his hands, trying to block out the obnoxious sound of the tapping.
Fumu coughed to get their attention. It worked; they both looked straight into Fumu’s eyes. She stared back at them in the best interrogation look she could come up with. Finally, after thinking of ways to ask the question properly, she tilted her head and looked to the side.
“I don’t exactly want to be blunt about this, but I want to know why Meta Knight has those wings.”
Sword and Blade froze in their seats. Wings? Meta Knight? Had Fumu gone mad? Completely dumbfounded, the two stared at Fumu with gaping mouths. Before they had a chance to recompose themselves, Fumu spoke again.
“You two have known him the longest. So either one or the both of you know why.”
Sword bit his lip. He wasn’t quite sure what to tell her. “We don’t know anything about that.”
“It’s never bothered us.” Blade contributed.
Fumu didn’t look convinced. She raised an eyebrow at them.
Blade caught on to the hint and said, again, “Honestly Fumu, we really don’t know.”
Fumu continued to glower at them for another minute or so. She was trying to determine why they were lying to her, and meanwhile, Sword and Blade were shifting uncomfortably. Fumu decided to give it up; Sword and Blade weren’t going to break easily. It would take the proper time, she knew.
“Fine, I’m going to bed. Goodnight, you two.” Fumu stood up and exited the room. Sword and Blade nodded and watched her leave. They heard a door open then shut, and sighed loudly. Glad that she had left, they walked down to their rooms.
On their way down the stairs they didn’t notice the commander Waddle Doo trying to hide behind a corner to the dining room.