Ok so my birthday didnt go the way as I planned :/ oh wells, we had the party and the food was good, but there were some people that I really wanted to show up, and they didnt, so that made me sad, they all used the excuse they were sick.. whatever, now I dont know how to explain this next thing without sounding like a materialistic bitch but whatever, im happy with what I got in money wich was 110 dollars, im happy with that, half of it is going on my TNA order tomorrow, im getting MMG Dogtags, Jeff Hardy Glow in the Dark shirt and an RVD shirt, but what I want to complain about is how cheap my family is (not my mom and bro, the other parts of the family) I got 3 thing! really!? I got these really cute iron on decal things I can put on my clothes, they are really pretty, I like those, then I got a hand me down candle.... T_T really? a candle? ...... then I get this necklace, that I like kinda, but I could make it easy, all materials from the dollar tree! now one of my cousins, her name is Heather, she said she made it, she makes jewelry, I knew she wouldnt get me anything special, I could just tell, shes a tight wad bitch like that, again, im not materialistic, but jesus christ, for her daughters birthday she can afford to get her HER OWN laptop, like she needs one, shes like... 12.. idk, her mom and her can share a laptop, I do with my mom, hell I actually need one for myself with all the shit I do on here, then she goes out and gets me these dollar tree things, shows how much you care, then like 4 people stayed for a long time waiting for the food to get done cooking, then they left once they ate, seems like they could give a two shits about me and my birthday, they were just there for a free meal, but the good news is that tomorrow (friday) bros friend James is coming back, he said hes gonna buy me something and that Damien and Cherie are coming over too, since they were sick, the best thing tomorrow is gonna be my ordering of stuff! and the best things today happened when I was on the computer! my friends are so awesome, I really love them :) they made my day totally! they made me things when I totally didnt expect them to.
My friend also made a birthday rhyme!
jcxtreme made me this:
loyalbelieve made me this:
thatdariachick made me a story and this:
We all also whored myself out to the wrestlers and some music and other people, we asked alot of people but I didnt get many back, lazy bitches :P I just had to cap them right away! but I did get 6 replies so I cant complain! ♥♥♥♥ (I keep having to edit this danm part cause im getting late night happy birthday tweets :P
Now the last 2 there one by Zach Myers and Brent Smith, OMG im sooo happy about, Zach is a guitarist for Shinedown and Brent is the singer of Shinedown, I have a story for this Loyal, Cookie and I were on Skype, it hit midnight so we decided, what they hell, lets whore me out now, me and Loyal ask Brent since we didnt see Zach on, Cookie asks both of them, I hit the reply button and Loyal seen at the same time as I typed OMG and we just had to get on mic, I swear, the feeling of them replying to me was like the feeling Loyal get when she seen Heath Slater was following her, she blew her light bulb out cause she screamed so loud, it felt like something dropped in my stomach and pushed all the air out of me, it felt awesome, the fangirl fest me and Loyal had that night, love it!