Look! An Entry!

Apr 28, 2008 15:08

So, a little update on me. I'm doing ok. I'm working as a nanny for a very nice family. The money sucks, but the job is easy. In fact, I'm at work right now. I am looking for a second job, since this doesn't pay well. I'm hoping for something like GameStop or World Market or something. We'll see.

I am anxiously awaiting my letter from grad school telling me if I got in or not. I hope I did. That's pretty much all that's happening in my life. Which is why I don't blog much.

We did go to BR this weekend with Kenneth, which was pretty fun. IT was also pretty expensive, which makes me unhappy, but hey. We have to go back down in about 3 weeks for a wedding. Ungh, more money. But, we have to go, we're both in it. We may tour some apartments while we're there, cause by then I should know if I'm accepted to the MSW program.

Interesting side note, did you know that lots of Christians think that doing yoga invites demons into you? That's crazy talk. A standard pushup is a yoga position (the plank), and I'm pretty sure that a pushup isn't devil worship. *shrugs* People are nuts.

I hope to blog more often. We shall see.

yoga, money, life

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