Real life v fantasy

Jan 07, 2010 12:33

I was chatting recently with someone who mentioned that she liked real life to be as smooth as possible so she could focus on a fictitious world (she is not a writer, she just likes to think about another world).

Today I got an e-mail from my parents, - one of those that gets endlessly forwarded - longing for how life used to be.

I was pondering what it means to be more interested in something other than what's right in front of you. I know I did the fantasy bit when I was having a tough time in the real world, but now I wouldn't change it.

Sure it's fun to play act and dress up, but the fun is knowing I can stop doing it when I want to. Also, if these people got what they were fantasizing about, some of it would probably be just as hard and boring as parts of our current lives generally are (I'm thinking of housework here).

And if there is something missing in your real life, for heaven's sake, go get it and put it in. But if you are wishing for Legolas, you are out of luck, because he's in love with Gimli.

real life fantasy

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