Happy birthday to ME!

Jan 06, 2010 10:44

I am officially forty.

What does this mean?

Well, for one thing, dinner at Snappy Dragon in Roosevelt with whoever I can scare up tonight.

Also, I'm planning some fun things for the rest of the month.

Do I feel any different? No. Certainly my cat didn't think so when he demanded his morning snuggle.

Do I look any different? Of course not. Unless you count the new cat scratches. I love my cat, but I do wish he didn't try to knead my face.

Am I going to radically change my life? No. I always plan to try new things each year, and this year is no different.

I hope you all take a moment today to reflect on the awesomeness of being alive. 'Cause you know, it's pretty cool.

birthday, me

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