Star Trek - AWESOME!!

May 08, 2009 09:35

 For those of you who were wondering if the movie was going to be worthwhile, the answer is YES!

The actors did a great job of re-creating the original characters - special mention to Karl Urban who played a perfect McCoy. There needed to be more Scotty (Simon Pegg) and I understand the DVD will have a lot they had to cut out of the final movie release. Like fans *wouldn't* sit through a three hour Trek movie. Jeez!

I won't post any spoilers but they really really pulled out the feel of original Trek while updating the look. There's a bunch of homages to the series that fans will adore. Plus, while I'm not familiar with JJ Abrams other work, I understand that there's a bunch of shout outs to his previous creations. If you know his stuff, you can go find out if I'm right.

Finally, the friends who I saw the movie went to the Palace Kitchen afterwards with me. It's kitty-corner to the Cinerama. If you haven't eaten there it is fantastic, and for the month of may the are offering a 3 courses for $30 throughout the month of  May on Sunday through Thursday. It made a perfect ending to a great night.

fan girl, star trek, friends, food

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