Seattle Animal Shelter Fire

May 04, 2009 14:35

 The Seattle Animal Shelter experienced a fire May 3rd.  The fire began near the dryer in the laundry room and did not spread far outside of the laundry room.  All the animals and people at the shelter are ok.

All critters have been relocated to ACCESS Emergency Vet Hospital for oxygen and monitoring.  All other animals are being monitored at the shelter.

WE WILL BE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC AND VOLUNTEERS, Monday, 5/4/09.  The staff will focus on cleanup of the shelter.  We should be back to normal operations on Tuesday, 5/5/09.

Please help us by asking friends and family for donations of blankets and towels.  As you can imagine, most of our linens were damaged in the fire.  Also, we do not have a working washer or dryer, so we will need help with laundry starting Tuesday morning.

Thank you all for your help and understanding.  If you have any questions, please contact me directly via email or phone (206-255-9073).



Kara Main-Hester, Ph.D.

Manager - Volunteer Programs and Fundraising

Seattle Animal Shelter

linens, shelter, fire, help, animals

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