Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah

Dec 25, 2008 12:47

 And all that other good stuff.

I was rather unhappy this morning, both because it was snowing again! And because I discovered last night that one of the chains I though I had lost had wrapped around my axle.

When I went out to look at it this morning, I discovered it had also worked it's way into the wheel well. Hoo-boy.

So I called a friend of mine and asked his opinion. Not only was he good enough to come take a look, he actually took off the tire so we could remove the chain. What a sweetie. :)

We couldn't see any damage, and I went for a short drive and everything seemed fine.

I am in a much better mood and am now plotting something to bake later.

Be well, be safe, and hope it warms up this weekend the way it's supposed to.

baking, tires, friends, christmas, snow

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