Dec 26, 2007 09:23
I got up at 6:50 and ate curry breakfast before packing up. Our mutual friend dropped us off at Franconia Springfield Metro Station. We went to the House Where Lincoln Died and I had sushi in a Food Court before we boarded the Chinatown Bus to Philadelphia.
On the way there they played an awful B-flick horror named Caw. It's about Ravens that contract Mad Cow Disease from eating cows and go on a killing spree of humans. American Gangster came on a little before our stop (finally a good movie and I couldn't watch :(
First impression of Philadelphia, other than the smell and the dirtiness, it isn't half bad of a city. We went to the Visitor's Center and got information before taking the 21 bus to our hostel. We shopped for groceries and Goma cooked steak and vegetable ramen. I washed dishes. :(
That night I got cursed with a loud snorer. :(
20th -
We were out the door at 9 am and watched a 30 min video Independence at the Visitor's Center before touring Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed.
On the way to Macey's we stopped at Au Bon's Cafe. At Macy's we went through Dicken's Village which wasn't half bad in its telling of a Christmas Carol. I got my parents a Christmas Gift and shipped it by Federal Express before we went to the Liberty Bell and finally Penn's Landing.
Goma got checked into the Bank Street Hostel before we went to Chinatown for rice and fish and then to my hostel to cook it. After eating, we split ways, he went to the Bank Street Hostel, and I stayed at the LOFTSTEL.
21st -
I left the LOFSTEL about 8 am and got to the Bank Street Hostel where I met with Goma. We walked toward Logan Square, stopping at Dunkin Donuts and then stopped at the Rodin Museum. Afterwards we walked up the steps Sylvestor Stallone ran up in Rocky.
We decided to wait until Saturday to tour the museum since it would cost $10 and we would only have 3 hours. We stopped at the public library for an hour on the internet before looking around City Hall and snacking at a Bagel Shop for an hour.
We dropped our packes at our hostel and ate out a nice French Restaurant, Patou's, before going to Peter Pan: the Musical at the Walnut Theatre. It was really well acted and there is just something about broadway performances that I love. Afterwars, we returned and crashed.