Volleyball and Table Tennis!

Nov 28, 2007 08:33


I worked from 8-2 as usual and did my oral skit Business Spanish, but after that I went from the bank to home and back to Campus.

At campus, I met up with Daniel, a very shy girl and I have empathy for all shy people because I used to and still am a little one of them.  We went to the Japanese club’s party for the end of the semester and afterwards I invited her to table tennis at the REC and talked with Takeshi who walked with us to the parking garage.

Takeshi invited us to Volleyball practice at the REC at 7 with the Japanese team.

It was great!  At about 7:30, Danielle (not sure if it’s Daniel, but that’s the guys spelling I think) and I put out paddles down and played Volleyball with the Japanese.  I did much better and actually scored some point for the team.  I wished it would never end, but sadly it had to.  My volleyball has improved a lot.

About 10:30 we left and I went home and to bed.  Fun, fun!

table tennis, volleyball

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