well they had to be bred to become docile. same with cows and... most docile animals. there aren't that many docile animals that survive well in the animal kingdom, so they have to bred as such.
Oh. I did know that. I though you meant we'd somehow SPLICED THEIR GENES and made awesome, polite sheep mutants or something. ...man, science is never as exciting as I always assume it is. I suspect this has something to do with having read too much science fiction in my formative years.
further, don't diss science. You'd be nowhere without it!
OH, PSHAW. WHAT HAS SCIENCE EVER DONE FOR ~*ME*~? aside from all of modern technology; emphasis on the internet and personal computers. >.>;;
And pokeymans! SCIENCE is what brought us pokeymans! 8D
actually i'm sure they were awarded a nobel prize for that...
(what's the sheep thing? sheep are less violent because of SCIENCE? I don't think I've heard of that before.)
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